Saint Bernard Municipal Hall

I said "let's go up to the municipal hall" in the previous story, because this munisipyo is literally up an elevated portion (kind of a hill or promontory) above the rest of the town.

street view of jose rizal monument and municipal hall up a hill in saint bernard southern leyte
This street from the church meets that circular driveway going up (one-way to the right). And that is their Jose Rizal Monument right at front. We'll go there for a closer look later.

As the driveway goes up, this is what you see next, the town's police office...
view of saint bernard southern leyte police station from the ascending driveway
Ang layo ba from the center of town? No worries, they have detachment offices where the action is, like at the market. And some officers rove around town - supposedly hehe!

And we reached the level top of this inclined driveway...
This corner on the left (before the building, and almost covered by our car's dashboard), goes to main entrance. But this is just a narrow pathwalk (not for vehicles). So, we moved forward to find a parking space out there on that next corner (in front of that blue truck).

And this is that corner... there's the blue truck. The helmeted guy said "no parking"...
back of the municipal hall and gate to the national highway at saint bernard southern leyte
So we turned left to make a u-turn so we could go back to where we came from. That helmet guy of an idiot all of a sudden shouted "hoy hoy, no parking lagi diri"! So, I also shouted louder than he did and said "Magmamaniobra lang, para makalabas. Ano gusto mo umatras kami all the way down there on that narrow strip?" - da, nag-engles na pud!

Nihilom ang amaw. He just stood there (stunned, I think) hehehe! Behind him, btw, before that hill being quarried, is already the circumferential road, the national highway.

This is after we turned left to make a u-turn in this big space. This is back of munisipyo.
parking area behind the municipal hall for official vehicles only at saint bernard southern leyte
Yes, this is where we could not park because "no parking" said the helmeted boss idiot.

But as my driver did his 'prowess' to make that u-turn... I saw this dilapidating thing...
a dilapidated old bus donated by cebu city to saint bernard southern leyte
And I whispered "jusko si Tomas, diri gi-labay iyang basura"! Obviously, this thing is not in any running condition. Two tires are flat, and look at the walls, gisi-gisi na entowon!

On the other hand, this should have been a shrewd business decision of Tomas! Than have a headache on where to throw this big a trash (this was obviously also just trash of some other country donated to Cebu City), what better way for him than donate it to Saint Bernard! Now it'll be this town's headache on what to do with this huge a tin can!

And we were able to make that u-turn! Now ready to turn right and out of here...
front view of municipal engineering office at saint bernard southern leyte
I could not help but appreciate how "cute" that building is! If you can't read it, signage in the middle portion says "Municipal Engineering Office". What attracted me most are those upper level walls. Those panels are woven bamboo strips! Native craft impression!

And the exterior wooden stairs. Reminiscent of the styles of our past, right? Nice build! Ah, here goes the penchant for big old wooden houses again hehe! There are not a lot in St. Bernard. Many I saw are big and modern! This town has boomed since the landslides.

By the way (my blood is boiling again hehe), not clear in this picture, but the helmeted idiot is still there (white helmet behind the backhoe)! He really watched and waited for us to exit. He was probably worried baka maglatag na kami ng banig at dito na matulog!

As our vehicle passed nearest him, he was saying something to my driver. Kesyo we can park at the highway outside of that gate, but we cannot come back walking because this is "no entry sa civilian". Still irked, I smilingly (sarcastically) said "bakit ikaw, ano ka, police sundalo"? And he said "I mean authorized only"! Aba, nag-english ang animal!

I therefore take back what I said on the 3rd-to-last paragraph of a previous article. You cannot use the national highway coming to this place after all, since you may not enter that gate if you're not "authorized only"! So how do you come to this place on a vehicle?

I guess you'll have to approach the edifice as we did (from the church) and park on the sides of the streets down there, then huff you way walking up this hill! They probably didn't think their citizens or visitors "can" come riding in cars for the next hundred years.

So, this is that corner again (referred in the 3rd photo above)...
monument of bernardo torres in front of municipal hall at saint bernard southern leyte
I asked driver to drop me here so I can walk rightwards to front of the municipal hall, while he drove down (to those houses) and beyond, to anywhere downtown he pleases!

That monument in the middle of the grass is... I don't know hehe. I wanted to know, but it was too far for my camera (phone). I just assumed he is THE Governor Bernardo Torres. The grass was soaking wet from the rain so I could not go near! Besides, If I went nearer, the nearby police might have blown their whistles thinking I was to abduct that thing!

Hey, just for reference purposes, look at the upper right edge of the picture. You see those roofs far beyond that lamp post? That is downtown commercial district. A bit far.

Anyway.., and so I was in front of the municipal hall! Tsadaaaannnn...! THIS, is it!
front view of municipal hall of saint bernard southern leyte
No pun, I loved and still loves looking at this façade. It makes me smile even now as I'm already posting my story! Maybe it's that thing on the eaves - they look like a battalion of smileys on parade! Or maybe because the structure looks (to me) like an ice cream parlor?! Remember the old clubhouse at Camp John Hay in the 1980s?! Yung bowlingan!

Basta, this is cute! This building, btw, is long. It extends sideways in both directions.

And, did you notice there are five youngsters in this picture?! Ah it's too dark. But inside the lobby (middle big door that looks black) are three teens - a girl on the left bench and two boys on the right. I asked this girl on the stairs (right side) why they were here. Simple answer: "free Wi-Fi"! Hmm, why didn't I think of that?! Oh my age - it reveals 'no?!

I further asked the girl why she was laughing alone earlier (anticipating she would say she was watching JFL or AFV videos, and the likes). Sheepishly she told me she was chatting and her chatmates are "mga buing" (that is a pa-cute aberration of "buang or bu-ang"). Then I asked who she was chatting with (expecting she would "say" classmates or friends). Instead, she pointed in the direction of the other youngsters in the pic above!

I was tempted to ask why they didn't just come and face each other to chat live as in really LIVE. Then again, I resisted, remembering my maxim... "walang basagan ng trip"!

Hah, lessons everywhere hehehe. That's why I love traveling!

Okay, taking that photo of the "dainty" municipal hall façade above as reference, behind me was the back of their Jose Rizal Monument. Its more of a tableau to me, not just one standing monument. He is depicted seated by a table in the act of writing (all life-size concrete)) and behind him is a concrete wall printed with his Mi Ultimo Adios in English.

This big "stage" conveniently has stairs on both sides going down to street level (1st pic above). So, I decided to pass that way for me to get a closer look of our national hero.

I was stunned at this rendition of our dear pambansang bayani's face and physique...
jose rizal monument. a tableau at saint bernard southern leyte
I almost laughed, but jokingly whispered... "OMG 'Nong Pepe, niwang na lagi ka, 'nya lahi na imong nawong"! Ah folks, I don't wanna say more. You just be the judge. Look hehehe!

If the name were not inscribed big, and if that wall did not display "My Last Farewell", tell me it is somebody else and I would readily believe you! If I may compare this to that one in Luneta, face or physique, lahi ra oi! Nice concept and nice try anyway St. Bernard!

Here's some trivia:
Did you know, that among the many heroes this country has, Jose Rizal is the only one where there is no law, decree, batas pambansa or republic act declaring him as such? I'm not joking. I searched far and wide. Wala, none, nada, waray, wara, waja, waya - wa gayud!

Anyway, lest our belief be questioned by the next generations, it might not be too late yet, for our present congressmen and/or senators to craft some kind of a 'de facto bill' formally declaring Jose Rizal as indeed our revered national hero. That, would be heroic!

Oops and OMG, this is getting too long! Let's get out of St. Bernard. That's my next topic!

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