Into Malitbog

Another fantastic find! Malitbog!

Teka.., if you're a Tagalog or non-Visayan reading this town's name, Malitbog, emphasis on the letter "t" please. You know what I mean, right?! But, listen to this... for the Bisaya speakers, yes, the name of this town actually started from the Cebuano root word "libog".

Okay now, all you Tagalog or Bisaya speakers, go find out how it evolved into "Malitbog"!

That is just one of the things I learned, on on a fleetingly brief visit to this town! Another interesting proof, that traveling is education, and the world is the travelers' classroom!

Let's go..!

Still a gloomy morning (since yesterday), although rain has stopped when we entered Malitbog from Tomas Oppus - which - I also learned was previously a part of this town!

The sights beckoned... a portion of road (about 5kms before poblacion) has great views of the sea and Liloan in the horizon. Okay, I'll post here a short video clip on that. Soon!

Beaches on this stretch of the highway seem worth a visit too, I think! I saw a number of resorts, big and small, that dot along this wonderfully scenic portion of the coast. Folks here are probably fun and fun-loving. I saw a sign that said "Wishy Washy Beach Resort"!


This monument was next to catch my attention at a forking intersection
a monument at the intersection entering town proper of Malitbog, Southern Leyte
This is just upon entering town proper, near the KM1177 marker. I didn't see any big sign as to what it is, or what it commemorates, but must be something important to them.

It depicts a civilian holding the Philippine Flag, standing on some elevated platform or pedestal. Two soldiers face it, one of them carrying a long rifle on his right hand raised as if in celebration. I hope someone can tell me (even via comments here) on what it is.

A few meters from this place is the elementary school (Paaralang Sentral Ng Malitbog).
colorful fence of Malitbog Central School, Southern Leyte
This is a big and wide campus. Must have been the first such school in this town. Just its front side facing the highway is already about 200 meters long - and beautifully lined by big trees along with that concrete fence! A "central school", so I was at center of town!

We were going straight, as driver knows the church and municipal hall are somewhere onwards on this same road (national highway). But a few meters on, I told him to stop.

I saw something... and that is our next topic!

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