Malitbog Municipal Hall

tree-lined street between the Malitbog Plaza (a football field) and the gymnasium
After the church, I walked to the municipal hall of Malitbog. This is just a block away from the church, on a tree-lined street flanked by the expansive grassy football field (called plaza) on the left, and an enormous gym with outdoor tennis courts on the right.

After that second tree above, you have to turn left on that street. Then, a few meters from that corner, the gate to the municipal grounds would be on your right. I can even see it from this picture (yeah, I already know now, because that's where I walked hehe).

On entering the gate, this will be what you see on your left side...
Jose Rizal MOnument inside the town hall compound of Malitbog, Southern Leyte
I guess that guy on the monument is Jose Rizal in black coat and white pants. He faces the municipal hall (to the right of this picture). Watching their every move? Maybe, hehe!

Note though, on the same monument, ever higher than Rizal, atop that pointed pedestal, is a woman in Filipiniana dress. Now I can't figure what symbolism might that be... sorry!

Oh, that big white modernistic building in the background is I think a medical center of some sorts (hospital?). But I'm almost sure it's a private business. Hitsura pa lang hehe!

Hey there are also tennis courts (yes, plural) in front of their munisipyo!
street frontal view of the Municipal Hall (Balay Lungsod) of Malitbog, Southern Leyte
People in this town must be real wimbly fans! They have got a lot of tennis courts!

Anyway... this building is, of course, already concrete...
close up frontal view from the tennis courts of the Town Hall (Balay Lungsod) of Malitbog, Southern Leyte
But it still beautifully looks like a vintage house of yesteryears. I like how it looks! I did wonder why even that big entrance is grilled. Don't their policemen guard this building?!

By the way, I read somewhere, that this is actually already the fourth location of their municipal hall - which was previously an elementary school building. Oh my, and wow!

Building identity not clear from up front, so I went to the side exit for a clearer shot...
close-up view of the second floor and signage of the town hall (Balay Lungsod) of Malitbog, Southern Leyte
Balay Lungsod Malitbog Timogang Leyte means Town Hall Malitbog Southern Leyte!

Since I was already on the side, I went to see the back of this municipal hall. This...
back perspective view of the Town Hall (Balay Lungsod) of Malitbog Southern Leyte
OMG! It still looks like a grand old wooden house! Isn't that beautiful? Take note: this is just the back of the municipal hall. Definitely the best "back" of a government building I have seen so far! Not just clean, it's neat and orderly! Compare that to any munisipyo!

Across that 'back of the munisipyo' (right edge of pic) is even a historic edifice. This...
ancient historical municipal prison (carcel municipal) of Malitbog, Southern Leyte
An old municipal prison, I don't know if still functioning as such. But the writings up at the top says "Constructed in 1862, Repaired in 1910 and 1953". Whoa, now 153 years old!

Markings above the ground level door says "Carcel Municipal De Malitbog" (Municipal Prison of Malitbog). Of course we might say "ang liit naman". But it better be - that would only mean they have few criminals here. Or let the cramped conditions be a deterrent!

There's a bamboo-fenced little hut beside this edifice (where the motorbikes are parked) and it is labeled as police station. Maybe just a detachment, I guess, since it's very small.

By the way, to the left of this municipal hall, and about as big a compound, is this...
corner view of an empty lot with probably historical old thick concrete wall in Malitbog, Southern Leyte
I could not see any 'identifying marks' but it sure looks old and enormous a land area.

I followed this fence - since it is just across the little street from the munisipyo...
one side of the old thick concrete wall with what might have been originally windows - across the municipal hall at Malitbog, Southern Leyte
Hard to decipher as to what might that have been in its usable past. Are those supposed to have been windows? And the walls are very thick (see upper right corner of photo)!

At the end corner (across the back corner of the municipal hall) is this...
a building or house structure at the corner end of the thick old walls in Malitbog Southern Leyte
I wondered, and still wonder now, what could this thing have been? It looks like a prison (reminiscent of that ex-prison beside the Leyte Capitol in Tacloban), but we just saw the Carcel Municipal a few meters diagonally across the street to the left, and it is not this!

See the big tree at left edge of the photo? I went there for another vantage...

And this is how that thing looks viewed from that tree near the Carcel Municipal...
perspective frontal view of the old building structure across the Malitbog Municipal Hall
This edifice is not only old, it has very thick walls and looks sturdy! Almost like a bunker!

I went leftwards to circle the edifice, perchance to see labels or markings. This street by the way is by a breezy tree-lined beach - meaning this part is the coastal edge of town.

Okay, I saw signage on that other (dilapidating) roofed structure at left, it announces: "NO TRESPASSING, Private Property, Order By: Hijos De F. Escano Inc". Hmm, intriguing, yet uninformative, therefore still unhelpful on my quest to know what this thing is hehe!

Whatever this big compound is (it occupies a whole block), I think this is historical.

Anyway, still unsatisfied, we moved on to exit this town.

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