Miagao Municipal Hall

Miagao Municipal Hall was naturally my next stop. Just few steps to the back and left from the church, passing by a memorial hall (multipurpose building) and the town plaza.
cannon fountain and miagao plant at Miagao Municipal Hall
Got an answer to a question I was not even asking yet! At the front of this newly spruced municipal building is (labeled) a Miagos plant, where this town got its name from!

Oh, for those not in the know, the name of this town is interchangeably written as either "Miagao" or "Miag-ao" (with a dash between the two syllables). But, take note, howsoever you write that name, it is always pronounced as "Myag-aw" - a full stop at your throat as you pronounce the "g". It is never pronounced as "mya-gaw". Oh ha, new learning again!

Looking at this municipal hall, I caught something uniquely cute...
flagpoles at Miagao Municipal Hall Iloilo
Did you notice there are two flagpoles in front of the building? Yes, the taller one is for the Philippine Flag, while the shorter pole carries the town's flag. Oh ha?! Kayo me ganun?! Almost all Philippine towns, even cities only have one flag pole in front of their munisipyo. But Miag-ao is unique!

My guide added that, even the barangays in this town all have their flags each. He says, it is really nothing but the locale's "logo" placed on a banner, so it becomes a flag. Unique pa rin! As I think not all barangays in this country even have their own logos!

Another thing I felt... it was as if I was roaming around Baguio! Not really very cold, but this area of the town plaza, church and munisipyo are a bit at an elevation higher than the rest of downtown. Not sure, but it felt that way.

Ok, let's go to a... pamantasang hirang.., next!

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