Guimbal Municipal Halls

Yes plural! There are two, the old and the new! What's the significance? Well, the new one looks good, but the old one is a fine building too that should not be abandoned and forgotten - said my guide, so he took me to both. And I believe in that point of view!

The New Municipal Hall
You have seen a frontal view of this building in my previous story. Here's a closer look...
ramp driveway and perspective view of new Guimbal Municipal Hall
Other than it also looks good just like the plaza - at least viewed from the outside, I have no idea about the insides of this new building. I did not bother going in to have a look, probably because of my earlier experience at the Tigbauan Municipal Hall hehe!

Just for your appreciation, this level is not ground floor as the rampway goes up at least the height of one storey (I think). Just like entering the Cultural Center of the Philippines. From the foyer is a nice view of the amphitheater, even all the way to the park. I wasn't able to take a picture of that view though, for the same reason as above hehe!

The Old Municipal Hall
Still looking in its own grandeur of old, this building is still very much in use...
still beautiful old Guimbal Municipal Hall
Second level is now the town's hall of justice - regional and municipal trial courts, while ground level is shared by police and fire departments. Still nice-looking, right?! But as before, this building sits on an awkward and inclining (probably even dangerous) sharp corner of the busy national highway! Not good for people to be walking about!

I did wonder where their police cars and fire trucks were! My guide was quick to tell me "baka sa likod sir"!

Alright, we had to move as we were not yet done on Guimbal. Let's go!

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