VSU: A Beach Side Resort. Oops, University!

Letting the morning spectacle go by on its own fantastic time, I continued on with my stroll of VSU’s beach-side area. Wonderful place! Easy to imagine you are in an exclusive beach resort! About 6AM, I already saw students excitedly flocking to the beach for their early morning banter, games, swimming and whatever else they want to do! I did not bother asking if that was a daily ritual for them, lest I die of envy right then and there, after hearing them say yes hehe! Imagine this: you go jogging, swimming then breakfast, then classes, library, read by the beach, swim again, classes again, lunch, classes, meeting, basketball, swimming again, dinner! THE life, ‘no?!

Let’s continue my stroll, shall we? Well those in the picture above are some of the students on their morning swim.

Ah, to the left, and inside that fence, is the bar and restaurant called VSU Beach Garden Resort. It’s a lovely place. Grassy greens, trees, native furnishings, and ample space everywhere. There is a swimming pool. I was not sure though if there really are accommodation rooms there, since it was closed. Mind you, that is just technically the “back” of the place. Entrance to this place is at the opposite side from here, at the street side. And this is where most of the students in motorbikes came from last night.

Now if this is a residence, what a wonderful place to live in! But if that too is being rented, then we better make a way fast to be able to stay in one of their rooms even for just a day! Tara, dali! Reminds me of the old barracks houses at Clark. They look similar. I guess these were constructed about the same time as those at Clark were made by the American soldiers. I wouldn't even wonder if they were designed (or constructed) by the same hands.

Here are more views...

Let's talk about accommodations in this campus, next!

For a chronology of stories on this trip, please click the following:
01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12
13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24

ISSN: 2516340.25-0107


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