Caramoan Nightlife?

None, in general. That is if you ask people from the city who have been to Caramoan! And good for those who want to rest so they can go off early the next morning to tour the islands. But for the Karaoke junkies and/or those who can be happy with a few bottles of beer telling tall tales to each other, there is a nightlife! Without so many choices that is. Hmm, there are even sporadic places where “entertainers” (you know what I mean) secretly, clandestinely or discreetly ply their trade. In this world, where there is demand, there will be supply, come what may hehe! Most of these (and there are just a handful anyway) are located at center of town. Yep, centro. So you hit those little beer joints and karaoke bars (again, there are just a few) and start asking around, if you want more than beer! Mind you, some are on the second floor of old wooden houses (like those in Vigan) and you’d have to be careful which plank of wooden floor you step on hehe!

What about those who want beer but do not have anyone to tell tall tales with? Easy. Just read above, go there and shut up, dreaming about your dreams in front of St. Michael (San Miguel beer), OR, when tipsy or already courageous enough (they’re synonyms, right?) start talking until you have others to tell tall tales with or until you want the company of those entertainers. Therefore, you become part of the above group! See?! Its easy!

If you are already in a group though, you can still hit those ‘bars’ and enjoy your own company. Otherwise, all Caramoan accommodations serve beer and their bottled cousins or can purchase them for you. So stay in the convenience of your inn. The terrace at Rex Inn is one such wonderful place facing the moonlight! You even get to associate with your fellow lodgers. This is just what I did on my first night, though I had a visitor, Mr. ATM guy. By the time his Caramoan girl came by and they went wherever, I retreated to my room and was happy with the three beers I have had for the night! On the second night though, I tried hopping from one place to the other, just to observe really how it is. Even if the beer was racing up my brain, I was still sane to say no. No to what? Ah, its like this… the night owls of Caramoan are very concerned and hospitable. They will worry that you are drinking alone in a place. So they come one by one inviting you to join them or asking if they can join you or if you want girls and so on. If you say no, then the boys start doing the same hahaha! Four such joints, four bottles, and I said I better hit the sack!

See?! There is nightlife in Caramoan, whoever you are and whatever you choose to do hehehe he hee!

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