More of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel

evening façade of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino
Many of you my avid readers already know, that I usually sleep overnight at Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino when my flight is early in the morning. This time, it was even more imperative that I do so because I was traveling with 6 companions 2 of whom are always difficult to rouse early mornings!

This time, I needed to show them around, so I also took the time to shoot new photos elsewhere in/of the hotel that I haven't yet taken, particularly the swimming pool at night! Lucky for me, it was empty!

This is at the left corner viewing the length of the entire pool..,
swimming pool of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino

This is at the center viewing the length of the entire pool..,
swimming pool of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino

And this is at the right corner with the entire length of the pool in view..,
swimming pool of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino
The rooms over at the other end are what they call the Villas. Those rooms are furnished as if you're in a tropical beach resort (maaliwalas), but of course, they're far from front desk and the main entrance!

That brighter area on the far side behind the arched wall is the hotel's gym. Left side is some kind of a pizzeria ek-ek, but usually "uninhabited" heheh! The circular thing at right (middle of pool) is a jacuzzi.

I haven't yet seen this jacuzzi whirring bubbling swirling, but I like the changing colors. Instagramable!
swimming pool of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino
swimming pool of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino
swimming pool of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino

Here's a view from the middle area of the pool (above the jacuzzi)..,
swimming pool of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino
The bright area at right is the gym - it's not big but well provided enough! The bright area at left is the stairs going up to the lobby, restaurant, karaoke, etc. Do you see the door in the middle? It is actually...

This! The creepy hallway we mentioned in a previous article about this hotel! Well, it's brighter now.
lower ground hallway to the swimming pool of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino
Just the same, it still feels like every strand of your body hair wants to stand as you walk here alone!

Let's go back up to the rooms. And here's another "rare" photo: I was at the 6th floor! New life? Naaa..,
6th floor elevator lobby of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino
Even if my roommates were/are smokers and we wanted to stay at the second floor, our companions commanded front desk that we be together at non-smoking rooms 'side by side by side'. Case closed!

Well, like many hotels all around the world, hallways and rooms are generally the same anyway..,
6th floor hallway of Waterfront Mactan Airport Hotel & Casino
room at Waterfront Mactan
room at waterfront mactan
room at waterfront mactan

But here was a cute co-incidence that happened in our room assignments..,
Mactan International Airport can be seen from the windows of Waterfront Mactan
All three rooms looked straight down to that big neon signage of MCIA. It was clearest from our room even if it was raining (that's the extra 'bed' on the floor). What happened? Ala eh.., pictorial to da max!

Okay, but I'm not done yet! Here's a 'side' of this hotel that (I think) I haven't yet shown pictures of!

Down at the external lower-ground level, beside the PNB Branch, just across (but a bit lower than the airport's departure curbside), by the paid public parking of the hotel, is a store (whatever it is called)..,
cheap souvenirs, food and basic necessities under Waterfront Mactan
As you can see, this store has many things you the passenger, or you the hotel guest may need - from basic necessities like toiletries & snacks, to Cebu delicacies, souvenir handicraft, artworks, yosi, beer!
cheap souvenirs, food and basic necessities under Waterfront Mactan
Everything is cheaper down here than upstairs (at the hotel or the airport shops)! This store looks and feels just like your ordinary neighborhood walk-in sari-sari store. Probably an employees' cooperative?
bananacue and other local snacks at Waterfront Mactan
Can you find banana cue at a luxury hotel or an international airport's departure lobby? Here, there is almost always banana cue in the afternoons! Sometimes there's even masih or other fresh streetfood!

For easy reference, look at the very first picture (above) at the beginning of this article. Do you see the elevated driveway? This store is under it. You can go there from the airport without entering the hotel.

Alright, enough said hehe! Let's fly to Palawan next and see a volcano along the way!


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