Entering ‘The Killing Fields’

Can’t describe my feelings when the van entered and zoomed through whatever is left of the beautiful town of Alang-alang, Leyte. Views were the same, a crazy expanse of ruins after ruins all the way until the next town, Sta. Fe – only made a whole lot grimmer when we reached the town of Palo. Even if you’re not like me who have been to or passed by these places before Yolanda, you’ll recognize that the devastation is as if these towns were heavily bombed during a war.

Alang-alang, Leyte
Palo, Leyte
Tents (medical assistance) at the park fronting their church.
This was once a beautiful era house.

Few remain standing, none unscathed. And I saw everything just from a running passenger van. I can’t imagine what it feels if I, even as visitor, were walking or standing there amidst the rubble. How much more to imagine what the residents of these towns feel. Utterly horrible.

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01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18
