
Showing posts with the label FestEvents

Maligayang Araw Ng Kalayaan

It is (still) Philippine Independence Day as I write this.., about two hours before midnight.., so the day has not 'expired' yet! Therefore I am not (yet) very late to greet everyone a Maligayang Araw Ng Kalayaan! Guilty feeling. I haven't greeted anyone a Happy Independence Day today. That is not very "me"! If the "senior moments" did not attack, I probably should have seen interesting and memorable things or events as I'm in Clark, Pampanga. There must have been a parade or some ceremony this morning. No wonder... yesterday, after a meeting, I walked to SM Clark as my meeting venue was just nearby, and I saw some display, demo and recruitment booths of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). I know they do this regularly at malls or at public events/venues like at the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. But it did not occur to me, that this was their way of celebrating Araw Ng Kalayaan with the Filipino public! 'Badness me', even the promi

Happy New Year from Singapore

Happy New Year ! I waited for this! Why? Wala lang 😎 Just for the fun of it! I don't have many things to say now, other than Happy New Year to you all! I watched all the spectacle from my hotel room's balcony on the 48th floor of Swissotel The Stamford ( story here ). Not "very", but a nice-enough vantage, if only for the idea of shooting photos and videos. Here's my video: Feel free to comment, like and share this blog or the youtube video. Sige na please... hehehe! Oh, I did this in an earlier story (daytime), but just to show you what my prime view was, let's describe the area by using the same picture as above, but with some reference numbers, like in the following: 1 - Flower Dome of Gardens by the Bay 2 - The Float @ Marina Bay (there was a 'countdown concert' by some western singer) 2(also) - the purple lights from the Helix Bridge 3 - Marina Bay Sands 4 - Esplanade Theatres on the Bay 5 - Where the fireworks shot from ( in the

Swissotel The Stamford: My Views

We talked about the insides of my room in the previous post . And this was the last picture there.., My room's terrace on the 48th Floor, where the most important thing I have to do tonight shall happen! That's the main reason I got this room for an overnight stay, even if expensive, remember? And this was the second pic of that previous post, which I said has many interesting sights in view.., That green field is called 'The Padang' ('padang' means 'field' in Malay). The Padang is a historic place for Singaporeans. Parang Luneta natin. Pero walang bayaning binaril dyan. That's where they first held their National Day Parade (1966) on Singapore's 1st birthday being a country separate from Malaysia. In recent years their National Day Parade, usually referred to as NDP (parang Independence Day natin) had been held in more modern venues like their National Stadium and The Float @ Marina Bay, though it returned to this field in 2015 at it was S

Swissotel The Stamford: My Room

Alrightieee, I was done with check-in and immediately went to find my room on the 48th floor. I'm here now, it's probably too early to tell, but I can say, if check-in was chaos, this room is, the exact opposite. I cannot say this room is ultra luxurious with new, first class amenities, or hi-tech things we all usually hear about 5-star hotels. This one is actually old, with aged things around, and even almost bare. Still, my relief from that check-in counter pandemonium, made me savor the peace and quiet in this room! I did remind myself about the 'bottomline' why I chose this hotel.., to witness the new year fireworks at Marina Bay, later at midnight. I needed that reminder, because, if I would bother myself with the worth of this room versus the price I paid, I could die of frustration - if there is such a thing! Carpet color and design pa lang, parang Silahis Hotel circa 1986! So I told myself, I am paying for the view. Sige na nga! So, where is this expensive

Kiss Baby Jesus

I'm not sure how this is called in Waray, but I think (not even sure too) this is the "Pahalik" in Tagalog. I seldom see this nowadays. But as a child, I always saw this ceremony (activity?) every Christmas Day. This is that practice where, on Christmas Day, boys (sakristan) go around town carrying the image of Baby Jesus (reeking in the priest's cologne), for people to kiss. These boys usually come in threes or more. But the sure roles are/were: one boy carries the image of a cute baby, another boy carries and keeps ringing a hand bell, and yet another boy carrying a box or container for people to place money. I said, my recollection tells me it happens on Christmas Day. But this was already the 27th, and Leyte Park is not a residence but a resort hotel! Ah well, maybe the boys have got too many houses to visit, since this is a capital city, or maybe the priest badly needs more funds, or the management of Leyte Park are very religious that they know about this so

Meandering Malaybalay

Happy to be back in Malaybalay, the capital of Bukidnon Province! What a crowded and colorful day. This was the scene just outside the Bukidnon Business Hotel where I just checked-in. Too many happy people walking the streets! That corner at right is their Rizal Park. But I already knew that this was Kaamulan Day, so I was not complaining. In fact, I was telling my self, if I only knew that today was the festival, I should've arrived yesterday. The "ka-meeting" didn't tell me! I decided to visit the church. I knew from previous visits it's just on the other side of that plaza at right. Here! The San Isidro Cathedral of Malaybalay. But oh, too many people, and service was in progress.., I couldn't possibly squeeze myself in there just to take photos, so I said 'maybe next time na lang'. But I asked myself what could I do or where should I go. I thought maybe I should check out the festival at the capitol grounds. But from my last experience, at abou