Battered Basey

Not long after the San Juanico Bridge, on good roads, already generally clear of major obstructions, we continued on with the trip passing via the national highway going towards the southern parts of Samar via the Basey-Quinapondan Highway.

As we neared the central area of Basey, we passed by a portion of the road where probably a good 50 meters or so was lined up with a hill-high heap of wet and stinking garbage. Friend driving us said it was Basey's temporary dump while clearing operations was being done at center of town.

This is the main road intersection veering from the national highway going into the central poblacion of Basey. Does not look like it was badly hit, though under normal circumstances, you should not see those clothes being dried in that road-island that was supposed to be a mini-park.

From the many I have seen since this morning in Albuera, this scene has started getting to be a normal sight for me. Yeah, relief distribution.

And then... as we entered the coastal area (main center) of Basey, Yolanda's wrath once again dawned on us. A reality our friend told us we better start getting used to...

If it was any consolation, this scene made me smile a bit. Those are Meralco linemen tending to the town's main power lines. You read that correctly, I said MERALCO as in Manila Electric Company, your dearly hated service provider in Metro Manila hehe. And they came all the way down to Samar and Leyte to lend a helping hand. Oh, am not sure I mentioned in a previous story that I also saw them doing the same assistance at the Ormoc-Kananga portion of the national highway.

This was once a lovely lively barangay with dainty little houses and colorful sari-sari stores lining both sides of the road...

Exiting Basey, going south towards Marabut 

Let's go to the next encounter... Marabut.

For a chronology of this trip's stories, click these numbers:
01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18


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