
Showing posts from December, 2016

Year-end Reminder / Reprimand

Yes, Nasermonan ako! But I did not take offence. Good this was a year-end, the last evening of the year in fact! Good this did not happen tomorrow - because, that would have been a bad start for the new year for me. Pinuna at pinangaralan ako by an old lady cashier (with a caring heart) at Raffles City Marketplace in Singapore! Here's the story... After my Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh dinner ( story in my last blog entry ), I went straight to the supermarket to buy beer, snacks and yosi, so I would have things to guzzle and munch while waiting for the "strike of midnight fireworks", so I could greet and shout happy new year to me myself and I. Pathetic ba? Well, two Singapore-residing Pinoy friends were supposed to meet me after midnight pa - after celebrating w/ their families. Ganyan pala gumimik ang mga Pinoy dito, kahit dis-oras, basta holiday bukas, larga! Easy, right? My purpose at the supermarket was just to grab 4 bottles or cans of beer, some chichirya, and Marlbor

Dinner sa Ya Hua: Bak Kut Teh

The first part of this story (about the name) is dedicated to Cebuano and Waray-speaking readers for a little laugh! Of course the latter part is dedicated too to all of you, my avid readers of this blog, who like eating pork, and those who like another kind of "spicy". Masarap, hindi yata ito ginagamitan ng sili! Yes yes, my bisdak and waray-waray friends, no need to analyze, ponder or re-think, whatever it is that comes to your mind, that is how you pronounce the first two words. For example as in Ya-wa, Yawa-a, Nga Yawa, Nga ka gi-yayawa-i hin nga yawa, as in yawa sa tanan nga yawa hahaha! Ganun nga talaga! The store name, Ya Hua, I assure you, was not the reason why I liked this restaurant. Here's the story... After settling at my 48th floor room of Swissotel The Stamford , I thought about dinner. "Bak Kut Teh" was the first to come to my lowly mind. You see, I lately have this penchant of feasting upon Bak Kut Teh, every time I am in, or pass by Singa

Roaming Raffles City

This was fun - though quick! I now think I should do this often - I mean roam big malls, that is! For this has never really been my 'cup of tea'. But today, unintended as it was, there were many people, places and things I saw, that made me smile, grin or even laugh out loud mag-isa parang nasiraan ng bait!😋 Raffles City as many of you would know, is an expansive mall that they call "a city within a city". It has hotels at both ends - my Swissotel The Stamford rising all the way up to the 73rd floor and the shorter Fairmont Hotel - just 26 floors, but made up of two towers, and no less, probably even more luxurious. There is even the big and modern "Raffles City Convention Center" within this complex, connecting all the tall buildings and facilities of this "city within a city. This whole "city" connects to 2 MRT stations - City Hall and Esplanade stations. Saan ka pa di ba? May East-West and North-South lines na (Green EW13 and Red NS25)

Swissotel The Stamford: My Views

We talked about the insides of my room in the previous post . And this was the last picture there.., My room's terrace on the 48th Floor, where the most important thing I have to do tonight shall happen! That's the main reason I got this room for an overnight stay, even if expensive, remember? And this was the second pic of that previous post, which I said has many interesting sights in view.., That green field is called 'The Padang' ('padang' means 'field' in Malay). The Padang is a historic place for Singaporeans. Parang Luneta natin. Pero walang bayaning binaril dyan. That's where they first held their National Day Parade (1966) on Singapore's 1st birthday being a country separate from Malaysia. In recent years their National Day Parade, usually referred to as NDP (parang Independence Day natin) had been held in more modern venues like their National Stadium and The Float @ Marina Bay, though it returned to this field in 2015 at it was S

Swissotel The Stamford: My Room

Alrightieee, I was done with check-in and immediately went to find my room on the 48th floor. I'm here now, it's probably too early to tell, but I can say, if check-in was chaos, this room is, the exact opposite. I cannot say this room is ultra luxurious with new, first class amenities, or hi-tech things we all usually hear about 5-star hotels. This one is actually old, with aged things around, and even almost bare. Still, my relief from that check-in counter pandemonium, made me savor the peace and quiet in this room! I did remind myself about the 'bottomline' why I chose this hotel.., to witness the new year fireworks at Marina Bay, later at midnight. I needed that reminder, because, if I would bother myself with the worth of this room versus the price I paid, I could die of frustration - if there is such a thing! Carpet color and design pa lang, parang Silahis Hotel circa 1986! So I told myself, I am paying for the view. Sige na nga! So, where is this expensive

Swissotel The Stamford: Check-in

From the previous story you already know why and how I chose to be in this hotel - to end the old year, and welcome the new one! It will happen in about 6 hours from now. But I will probably only be able to post this between 8 and 9PM since I will have to pause writing in favor of a thing called dinner. Okay?! This is a 5 star hotel yes. But OMG, you are like queuing up at the check-in counters of a budget airline at the airports. Gino-o ko! Makangaralas! Too many people checking-in, that it's even already very hard to see what is happening up front, whether the line is for check-in or check-out or just inquiries. I'll say again, this is a 5 star hotel, the check-in area is spacious. But it was near pandemonium when I came! I summoned all the patience I can muster. I kept telling myself I am here for the best of the best views of the fireworks later tonight. Yes, I had to keep telling myself, chillax lang..,, matatapos din ito.., soon! Of course, I entertained myself w

Transfer From YMCA to The Stamford

Yes, this is still Philippine Travel Notes, but as explained earlier we are going a little off-topic because, many of you wanted to hear where I am even if it is not in our dear inang bayan. But also as promised, and as always, I will still try my very best to relate things to us Pinoys hehe, if only to get a bit relevant! This has now become some kind of a series of related blog stories mula pa nung pasko. You see, am spending new year's eve and watching the most awaited fireworks display later at midnight, in a room at Swissotel The Stamford. Yey! Pero teka, if you are confused why yesterday and kanina I was at the YMCA@OneOrchard then National Museum of Singapore then Flutes Restaurant Bar , let me explain... Yesterday, as in "kagabi" 30DEC, I arrived in Singapore from Davao via Cebu , and I stayed overnight at YMCA International House - now called YMCA@OneOchard . You already know the reason, right? That today 31DEC, I had a meeting at Flutes Restaurant and wan

Flutes Restaurant Bar

Flutes. This is that restaurant in a museum I was telling you about in my previous two stories. Yes, this was my meeting venue with a good old friend and 'sosy' client! Ayan, by virtue of the meeting venue, and by my meeting with a notable name in the Singapore high society circuit, 'sosyal' na rin ang aking kamahalan - My Royal Highness. I'm (in the first place) a social climber, I told you before, right?! All I could say was "Oh wow, a fine restaurant, set amid the tranquil atmosphere of a museum".., Aside from the peace and quiet of the surroundings, you can come 'as you are', or maybe I should say "come as you wore" entering the museum. Fine dining requires at least "smart casual", right? Not here! I saw diners in their shorts. But, if you were Pinoy, I know you would feel a little awkward entering this place wearing shorts or flip-flops (tsinelas, kahit Havaianas pa yan). I'll say, it is better that way, if only to