Bacayaw Resorts Cove, Llorente

Another nice find for me! I didn't know this is such a wonderful place, until I curiously went to find out! Here's my story... We were 'speeding' back to Tacloban (haruy, @80kph max) from Borongan (the blue arrow's direction) when I saw that signage again (yellow arrow). I have seen that board, about a resort, many times now. Seeing that it was still a little early at just past noontime, I asked the driver to turn back, for us to have a quick look and see at whatever that place may be. That would be the red arrow, still in the pic above. While turning off the highway unto the dirt path, I took this picture of that signboard once and for all! So I came to know it is named Bacayaw Resorts Cove. That board also told me this is still in Llorente! I have always thought this was already part of Hernani since this corner is just a few kilometers to the new Hernani Municipal Hall. I always thought of that board as "that resort in Hernani" ayayay sorry po! ...