Welcome To Eastern Samar, USA!

Ows? Yea yeah, am just joking, this is still the Philippines. And to my makabayan friends, pardon that flag you see on the right. I did not even know it was there when I snapped this picture. But, in these days of more than sorrow, we cannot deny, that and many other flags aside from our very own red-white-and-blue, are worth more than our appreciation. They are still on the ground helping out, while… a di bale na!

Teka teka… didn’t I say in the previous story my lowly camera died out on me? Ah huh! But, the little pea of a brain remembered something… no not the phone that I used to take a picture of Marabut Poblacion – it was also already ‘lowbat’ at this time… something else.

But let’s continue my stories in the next entry, aight?!

For a chronology of this trip's stories, click these numbers:
01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18
