Riding A Lift

What do I mean with "Riding A Lift"?

I am not British, when I say "lift" I do not mean "elevator". I'ma no American too, so I don't mean a free-ride or a "hitch". Nor am I Scandinavian and there's no snow in the Philippines, I don't mean the ski-lift!

I just saw a man having a lift on a fork-lift, I wish the driver lifted that lift. On the national highway!
man riding on a fork-lift cruising the national highway in Lawaan Eastern Samar
I was bewilderedly laughing at how can this scene appear in front of my eyes in a remote rural area of Eastern Samar where fork-lifts are seldom seen or even heard of! And it was cruising on the highway!

Also laughing, my driver jokingly "explained": they must have stolen that fork-lift from a warehouse in Tacloban, and was driving with it (in it) going to their barrio in Lapinig Northern Samar. Haha katuyaw!

Anyway.., at least we had a laugh hehe

Ah the incredible signs of our times... makalilisang!


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