
Showing posts with the label Lawaan


Here's another of those interesting signs I saw today... I was traveling from Tacloban to Borongan when I caught sight of this seemingly innocent signage at Brgy. Maslog in Lawaan, Eastern Samar. But no, it is not innocent. It is to me more of "ignorant" than anything else hahaha! We all know what it is trying to say anyway, right? Hala hala, sige na la. Larga! But did you know where that "stockpile" it is referring to as "ahead"? Ayan, sa harap nya mwahaha! Oh well, the trying-hard signs of our times. Su-ol ha agtang!

Riding A Lift

What do I mean with "Riding A Lift"? I am not British, when I say "lift" I do not mean "elevator". I'ma no American too, so I don't mean a free-ride or a "hitch". Nor am I Scandinavian and there's no snow in the Philippines, I don't mean the ski-lift! I just saw a man having a lift on a fork-lift, I wish the driver lifted that lift. On the national highway! I was bewilderedly laughing at how can this scene appear in front of my eyes in a remote rural area of Eastern Samar where fork-lifts are seldom seen or even heard of! And it was cruising on the highway! Also laughing, my driver jokingly "explained": they must have stolen that fork-lift from a warehouse in Tacloban, and was driving with it (in it) going to their barrio in Lapinig Northern Samar. Haha katuyaw! Anyway.., at least we had a laugh hehe Ah the incredible signs of our times... makalilisang!

Entering Yolanda-Stricken Eastern Samar

Exiting Marabut (Western Samar) heading south and eastwards towards Lawaan (Eastern Samar) the views were all the same – if not houses, trees were either downed, leafless and/or lifeless. A very disturbing view. And all the more I was so frustrated that I did not have anything to ‘document’ what I was seeing – because I was thinking, I must write about these in my blog. Ah, that verb “write” flicked something in my head! Yep, ‘chadaaan’ I quickly yanked the tablet from the backpack, so here I go with some pictures again… Not as beautiful as I would have wanted to shoot my photos since this was my first time taking pics with a tablet, and on a moving vehicle for that matter. Argh! What should have been lush green is now brown, what should have been coconuts are now just giant sticks protruding out from the ground This is that 'welcome arch' you saw in the previous story - boundary between the two provinces. I took this while still on the (Western)Samar side. Eastern Sa