Bislig Beach

Nope, this beach is not in a city in Mindanao. This is at Barangay Bislig, Tanauan, Leyte!

One morning I needed to be in this resort, not on my usual travel terms to see places. I was working! I was asked to attend some seminar workshop, to say something. Not that I was complaining. In fact, when I read that the venue was a "Bislig Beach Resort", my whole body sprang with excitement! As in!

Well, many of you already know me. As I always say, I'm just another "SON OF A BEACH""!
entrance to Bislig Beach Resort in Brgy. Bislig, Tanauan, Leyte
Wherever it may be, if it's a "beach" I'm sure I'll find something interesting there! There is no exception!

On arrival, my host (the facilitator) noticed I was distracted as I kept darting glances at the beach....
an open day-use cottage at Bislig Beach Resort in Tanauan Leyte
After rolling her eyeballs she said to me "I know, right? Okay, stay in that cottage and I will just call you when its your time to talk"! Without even saying yes or thank you, I flew to this empty cottage hahaha!

There are a number of cottages here - I think three or four - but all were empty...
the row of open type day-use cottages at Bislig Beach Resort in Tanauan Leyte
I did not wonder why all were empty though. This was a regular work day (school day too)! And the few resort rooms were occupied by seminar participants, and the restaurant was the seminar venue!

In a way, we could call it like the resort was closed for a "private function" - this seminar, that is. But all participants were at the restaurant attending to their workshop. Therefore, all these cottages that also served as their "break-out rooms" were literally empty before their lunch. Ahh, a serenely breezy place!

I walked to the water's edge... and looked to the left...
wonderful beach view to the left of Bislig Beach Resort in Tanauan Leyte
That would be other parts of Tanauan... probably even Palo all the way to Tacloban! Probably, since this is San Pablo Bay. Well, this was one of those deluged by Yolanda, but why think about the past!

I looked to the right, and this was the equally picturesque view...
wonderful beach view to the right of Bislig Beach Resort in Tanauan Leyte
That would be the rest of the shoreline of Barangay Bislig, Tanauan Leyte. How did I know? Well, I am now familiar with those two hills. The smaller one is the edge of Bislig, below that is Bislig Elementary School, I have many new friends there! The bigger one has the grotto of Brgy. Olot, Tolosa on top of it!

I did roam around this vicinity, but not too far, as some dogs did not seem to like me hehe...
Those bamboo structures on foreground are the sun-drying fixtures of fisherfolk who make danggit!

Whoa! Another discovery for me. Like I now know where to buy fresh, clean and cheap dried fish. Add that to 'now I also know, Bislig Beach Resort has rooms if I need a temporary refuge in a hectic world'.

Nice find. Very rural-natural, and off the beaten path!


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