Getting Lost With Names – Sultan Kudarat

This topic started with this article

Still having a hangover with Sarangani? Hold your horses for here comes Sultan Kudarat hehehe!

This is the name of a town in the province of Maguindanao (Region 14 – ARMM), but it is also the name of a nearby province that is not part of ARMM but belongs to Regiona 12 – SOCCSKSARGEN. Ahehehe! Doesn’t that muddle your already hazy grasp on these names? Well, let’s attempt to expound, lest we be successful in making your nomenclatorial jumble become an astounding murky quagmire hehe. See the map? Red area is the town and at the lower edge of map is the northern portion of the province named Sultan Kudarat!

Who was he anyway? Just google him! Anyway, if you say “I’m going to Sultan Kudarat”, be very sure which place you are headed to. And if you hear “there’s flooding in Sultan Kudarat”, you know the next question to ask, right?!

Alright, let’s move on to other real towns with same names!


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