Fun w/ “Similiar” Places, Part3

This topic started with this article This is our 3rd installment and we better wrap it here! Camalig There is only one town with that name. But there is another in the very same region called Camaligan. Yes, they just added the last 2 letters! Camalig generally means a small hut used as a temporary storage for farm produce or harvest. Camaligan therefore means, where the Camalig is made! Gosh! Capas is a town, Capiz is a province. And they are worlds apart hehe! Or are they?! Duuu! Caramoan That is that fantastic destination in CamSur. But directly across it, in the island of Catanduanes is another town named Caramoran! Spot the difference?! Yeah, just one letter! Cav Then there is Cavite – the name of a province that is also the name of a city. But many times it gets confused with the town of Cavinti during conversations – especially by the Tagalogs who have this habit of too much softening the letter “I” into the sound of a letter “E”. They even think that’s cool and corre...