
The Way To Kuting Reef Resort and Spa

My lunch destination for the day - Kuting Reef Resort and Spa in the town of Macrohon, Southern Leyte. Not really in the town center yet. Still some 7 kilometers before it. And this was already a northward run from Padre Burgos that is the southern end of the peninsula. The ride from Padre Burgos town center took only about 5 minutes, so, I would imagine, that distance would probably have been just 5 kilometers, or even less! Ironically cute, I just realized Kuting Reef Resort is nearer to the town center of Padre Burgos than that of its own Macrohon! And for those who got it all wrong like I did until this trip, Kuting Reef Resort is not in Maasin City. Still way far from it at about 22+ kms. For those driving, this is "hard-to-miss" since there are ample road signs like this... Those signs abound (yes, some are quotable quotes like that!) whether you're coming from the north (i.e., Maasin, Macrohon) or south, like where I came from, Padre Burgos. Well, some of the

Sogod Bay Scuba Resort, Padre Burgos

I did not know the coastal area from Malitbog to Padre Burgos teems with many beach resorts big and small. All the more that I did not know Sogod Bay Scuba Resort ever existed. I was just fortunate (only this time?!) that a contact I wanted to talk with preferred we meet at this resort. Of course I immediately said yes wherever this may be! As said in my previous story, we missed this place as I was busier looking at awesome views. But we were not that far astray yet, and eventually able to come back and find it! As with many others, this resort sits by the side of the highway where their entrance is. Interestingly, parking is also just by the very side of the highway! Well, being a dive resort, their clientele (I suppose) are people from far away places who come commuting via whatever means of public transport, than driving. So, who needs a parking area hehe! That is it, in the blue circle! I took this shot as we were already coming back to find it - meaning we were facing the wa

Padre Burgos

This was a joyride indeed! From Malitbog to Padre Burgos proper, is on a picturesque coastal highway of only about 15 or so kilometers - less than half an hour. And yeah, even if this was a gloomy day with intermittent showers, I enjoyed looking at the sea as the car sped through the highway. Surprisingly though, there was a big change of scenery when it came to the houses that we passed by. Too many seem to have jumped from the 18th to the 21st century! If I was awed by old wooden houses in Malitbog, I was wowed by big new ones in Padre Burgos! Like this one I caught a shot of as we made a u-turn.. U-turn? Yes u-turn, kasi lumampas kami hehe! My meeting contact (who was waiting at Sogod Bay Scuba Resort) called up to say "nakita ko sasakyan nyo, lampas na kayo"! Awk! Anyway.., Here are some nice abodes I saw as we turned back to find Sogod Bay Scuba Resort... These are not 'simple'. It's as if you're in a posh seaside village somewhere in Batangas!

Malitbog Municipal Hall

After the church , I walked to the municipal hall of Malitbog. This is just a block away from the church , on a tree-lined street flanked by the expansive grassy football field (called plaza) on the left, and an enormous gym with outdoor tennis courts on the right. After that second tree above, you have to turn left on that street. Then, a few meters from that corner, the gate to the municipal grounds would be on your right. I can even see it from this picture (yeah, I already know now, because that's where I walked hehe). On entering the gate, this will be what you see on your left side... I guess that guy on the monument is Jose Rizal in black coat and white pants. He faces the municipal hall (to the right of this picture). Watching their every move? Maybe, hehe! Note though, on the same monument, ever higher than Rizal, atop that pointed pedestal, is a woman in Filipiniana dress. Now I can't figure what symbolism might that be... sorry! Oh, that big white modernistic