Calatrava Negros Occidental

I knew that Calatrava was the next town going south after Toboso. I also knew it is still part of Negros Occidental, so I must see it! How did I know these? Ah, I previously asked even while still in Escalante!

Thus, while in Toboso, the next questions my wandering brain had to tackle were "how far is Calatrava from here, how long does it take going there"? Easily answered, I just asked folks at the public market. Most of them told me it takes some 30 minutes to about an hour, if the bus keeps stopping! So, GoRa!
It was a short scenic 23-peso ride. My ticket said from KM115 to KM131, so just 16 kilometers (yata)!
The road is hilly (not mountainous) than places I traveled along since yesterday. Oh yes, I saw horses! I even saw hills similar to Bohol's Chocolate Hills, but wasn't sure if it was Calatrava or still in Toboso!

After exactly 32 minutes on the bus, here I was, standing in front of the Calatrava Municipal Hall.
Municipla Hall of Calatrava Negros Occidental
This is by the roadside. Bus stopped to let me off in front of the municipal hall. As in right there, where I took that pic! So quiet, no people around as it was noontime. And, my stomach grumbled - gutom na!

From where I stood, I looked around 360 degrees. Hmm.., there were two little stores across the road. They looked like they sell lunch, although it wasn't clear if they have space inside for me to sit and eat.

So I attempted to cross. This is the highway, so 'careful-careful' ang aking kamahalan - look to the left, and look to the right! But as I excitedly crossed, something further to the left caught my sight. This..,
Not even the name, but the kind of brand that sponsored printing the store's name. Very uncommon.

I went that way for a closer look so I could check it out. Ah, I'm not familiar with it [Haden?], but...
I realized Botet is not just a sari-sari store but also an eatery! Wohoo! And I saw at least one customer having lunch inside. He looked like the many itinerant sales persons (ahente) that roam the provinces.

So I entered.., and lunch was in order! And OMG this place, kung maka-"one-order-of-rice"... wagas!
The usual Pinoy turo-turo favorites.., so I pointed to: pritong isda and adobo (humba sa Bisaya ba)!

Note about fish in the Visayas and Mindanao: when they/we say "usual" it means "fresh" as the norm - meaning it came from the market just this morning. Unlike in Metro Manila, ang "fresh" eh "fresh from the freezer or styrofoam" which no one really knows kung two days na or baka nga two weeks pa! Da!

That's why I don't hesitate pointing at anything fish when in the Visayas and Mindanao. Totoo 'yan!
Oh, about that pork thing at right. It was a discovery for me! I swear, the manang tindera said "humba" (and I know that as the Bisdak "humba", which is usually the normal no frills "adobo" of Metro Manila), reason why I had it! Something in its color titillated me though! It's not 'dark as toyo', more of 'orangey'.

And when I tasted it, boom!, it is just like my favorite "beef kaldereta", only that, it is pork! I had to note that on my phone - when I get home, I'll ask them to cook "pork kaldereta" if there's such a thing haha!

I think the "oil" tasted like "atsuete'? Well, ang ending.., the hefty rice was not wagas after all. Kulang!

Here's more: the eatery has a roofed 'outdoor seating' (see corner in photo above), which is breezy. So I ate there. It is also a smoking area, da! AND, to complete "da life".., they also have Coke! Saan ka pa!

Alright, I asked at Botet's where their town's Catholic Church is. They told me it is to the left (east), and at the very end of this street just beside where I sat. Whoa! Parang malapit na parang malayo! You see that red arrow in one photo above? Make that arrow point to the right, that's the street - F Valganon St.
They suggested I ride a pedicab, so I did. But halfway thru the ride, I got off, paid, and walked! Why?

Because.., I noticed the street is tree-lined, paved and breezy. Good for a walk! Ayan si pedicab o!
The fenced building at left is Calatrava National High School while at right is Calatrava Central School.

Even at noon time, the street looks wonderfully good. And as I said above breezy-cool too!
But don't imagine it to be breezy cool like Baguio or anywhere in the Cordilleras ha? Remember, this is the Visayas. Winds usually come from the sea. So on a noontime, it can easily be 88ºF or 31ºC on the average! Yes that's the average, as in! And, and that's generally lower than at many islands. And, I lavit!

So here it is anyway, the St. Peter The Apostle Parish Church of Calatrava, Negros Occidental..,
Mind you, behind that is already the Tañon Strait - the sea between Cebu and Negros. Just guessing, I think the town in Cebu that would be across this part of Negros is Asturias. Hmn, I miss that place na.

Here's a collage of 2 photos. The one at left is permanently in the middle of the aisle by the entrance.
This was not the first time I saw something like that, though I don't really know what 321U means and what is its significance - that it has to be permanently bolted to the middle of the aisle floor. Istorbo e!

Hahaha nagalit! Yes it blocks the way! So if anyone knows, please tell me ano yan. Salamat!

Anyway, here is a bigger view of the insides of this church (after passing by that 321U pedestal)!
Simple serene bright and breezy. So quiet I loved just sitting in there. Hanggang inantok na tuloy ako!

By the way, up on the ceiling above the altar.., there are lines (are those lights?) that emanate from the left corner. I think it is supposed to symbolize something. I'm curious, is it? 'Di naman siguro yun araw sa watawat ng bansa natin, diba? Ano kaya 'yon? I wish someone could tell me. Unique adornment eh.

Before I went out of this church, I saw that, small-a-church-as-it-may-be, it has its own choir loft. Nice!
Just saying. Because I love choir lofts, I like their purpose. Because.., when a choir is up front, oft even at the altar, people watch them while they sing, as if they were a spectacle. So, choir lofts are the best! Para walang distractions, walang istorbo, sa taimtim na panalangin ng mga makasalanang 'tulad mo!

Out of the church, I walked all the way back to the main road, between Botet's and the municipal hall.
I just loved walking under the cover of those big trees. Dahil wala rin naman pedicab. Nagsitulog yata!

Oh, the staff at Botet's earlier told me that buses stop right in front of their store. Thus, I went back to sit where I sat during lunch, to smoke and have Coke, as I waited for a Ceres Bus to come and get me!
That's the outdoor area of Botet's, a good bus-waiting-vantage. One came when I finished my yosi. Da!

Here's a youtube shorts that I made out of some of the above pictures:

So off and back to Cadiz I went. But let's do that as my next installment in this series!

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