Go Hotels Tacloban

I haven't yet stayed in this hotel at Robinson's Place Tacloban (Marasbaras), but I just lately got to see its "insides", because I had to book two rooms for relatives who needed to stay two days. So I peeped!

The rooms are generally the same as that of their Ortigas Center branch, but there is a "big" difference in their corridors (hallways) - and to show that contrast, is my only purpose in posting this blog story!
hallway of Go Hotels Tacloban

When I saw this, I couldn't help but exclaim "wow", because it looks totally different!
eating area of Go Hotels Tacloban

And foremost in their difference/s is this.., a real outside light and air source for the hallways!
real windows above the hallway of Go Hotels Tacloban

They're not only airy, they are bright and wide too. Unlike their 'claustrophobic' Ortigas Branch!
elevator lobby and hallway of Go Hotels Tacloban

Well, I don't know why I found it funny sitting at the elevator lobby (brown bench above) facing this..,

But hands down.., this "island" is classy fantastic it adds elegance to the interiors..,
nice Zen Garden art at the hallway of Go Hotels Tacloban

Is it also called a "Zen Garden"? Not with sand, but naturally colored pebbles? Beautiful just the same!
nice Zen Garden art at the hallway of Go Hotels Tacloban

Wait wait.., I said the rooms are 'generally' the same. But.., I think the use of 'wood' here is better!
bedroom at Go Hotels Tacloban
bedroom at Go Hotels Tacloban
Those are two different rooms, by the way! Yes their comfort rooms "rain showers" etc look the same.

Just telling!


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