Amazing 8-Plate Balancing Act

waiter expertly carrying a set of 8 plates to a dinner table at Gerry's Grill
OMG wow! That is how this waiter prepares for an 8-person dinner at Gerry's Grill Tacloban. Amazing!

This was not a 'challenge' nor a 'dare'. Fresh from my Davao-Cebu-Tacloban flight, I just went to catch dinner at this Gerry's Grill branch in Robinson's Place. Crews were preparing a table-for-eight next to where I was seated. Then I saw a waiter walking with a set of clean plates for the setup. I did not ask him to stop for this picture. Stunned as I was, I just quickly took my phone out and snapped this pic.

Such a skill! And this restaurant's dinner plates are not light, ha?! Plus, the silverware are already laid down on each plate - making the plate underside 'unstable'! I wonder now, if he has ever broken any plates practicing this feat! If so, how many hehe! I am sure they don't learn this at university or TESDA!

Well, the wonderful signs of our times. Not only technologies are progressing, even human skills!
