Candongos Falls

Candongos Falls, Pinamitinan, Marabut Samar
Not many people know about this place. And it is not something that the owners nor anybody (except me?) is even broadcasting/advertising for people to visit! As of now anyway, although I told them to!

Candongos is a waterfall by all descriptions but a now you see it now you don't kind of phenomenon!

During the wet season it could be more abundant with rampaging waters than what you see in the pic above. But during the dry season (which is not that pronounced in Samar anyway), this thing could be nothing but a wet cliff. Then again, Samar has generally only two seasons - "wet and very wet" haha!

Note: I saw this place at its driest during the Holy Week of last year. Not even a drip! And where is this place anyway? Ah, I thought you won't ask hehe. This is in the town of Marabut in Samar - somewhere after Brgy. Amambucale, though (I think) this spot already sits in the jurisdiction of Brgy. Pinamitinan.

You can see a bit of the waterfall right from the highway as it is just a few steps inward...
fence by the highway - entrance to Candongos Falls, Pinamitinan, Marabut Samar
But, it's not really open to the public (yet) as it is inside a rural residential compound with some dogs. Duu! You will be happy to note that I even had to plead to the owner for him to please let me get near (and eventually set foot) on this natural wonder - if I can call it that - since it disappears in summer!

Here here.., I took this photo when I was already inside the compound...
family residential compound that contains the Candongos Falls, Pinamitinan, Marabut Samar
Behind those banana and coconut trees, you can see snippets of white. That is water cascading down from up the hill. The way there passes beside their house (blue arrow) which means nearer their dogs that are roaming free and could be barking at you haha! Well, they didn't bite nor come near me. Yey!

They do have two little huts nearer the waterfall using discarded "Yolanda tent materials" as roof...
Candongos Falls, Pinamitinan, Marabut Samar
When I asked who uses them, the wife said their relatives sometimes come over so they built the huts for the kids to have a roofed resting place and for their parents to have tables for the food they bring.

And there I went again... I said "pa-rentahan nyo para me kita kayo kahit konti"! Ang sama ko ba?

Alright, when we were already by the waterfall, my driver immediately "inspected" the place hehe
Candongos Falls, Pinamitinan, Marabut Samar
When he was back down to join me and the owner as we talked, he said in English okay, this is good!

Oh well, a nice find, I suppose!


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