DENR Boats, Palo

It's more than a month after I first told you about these boats, and that I was very happy seeing them, that this at the very least is proof that the government is helping some of the Yolanda/Haiyan victims.
boats for distribution to Yolanda/Haiyan victims still piled up in the vicinity of DENR office in Palo Leyte
However, something is bothering me... these boats do not seem to be moving. It seems distribution is not really happening since I keep passing by this place and they're just still there. Has it started yet?

And being made of plywood, they have started to deteriorate. Well, I think "rot" is a better word for it...
boats for distribution to Yolanda/Haiyan victims still piled up in the vicinity of DENR office in Palo Leyte
Look, we can readily see some "bubbles" on the plywood. In some, they're even already peeling off!

It is not as if the decay is an "isolated incident" (authorities are fond of using that expression)...
boats for distribution to Yolanda/Haiyan victims still piled up in the vicinity of DENR office in Palo Leyte
It's happening to many boats. We can see them daily as they're just stacked by the roadside. Sira na!

OMG speaking of "sira"...
a mentally ill woman dancing on the road. in the background are boats for distribution to Yolanda/Haiyan victims still piled up in the vicinity of DENR office in Palo Leyte
I just wanted a closer look of those other boats (yellow and red arrows) on the other side of the road, when I saw that woman again (blue arrow). She is mentally ill, and she seems to have made this place her usual 'tambayan'. I know from previous 'asking around', that Yolanda caused her kind of situation.

Now I don't know anymore what to think. Should I say "dear government, please already pick up those boats and distribute them" or "dear government, please already pick up that woman and treat her".

Ideally, it should be both, right? Oaky, I'll make some calls (again) tomorrow.


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