The Koi At White Sands

My nth time to have lunch (day trip) at this lovely resort and the only time I came to discover they have a lot of these colorful creatures. And at various locations at that! Yep, unbeknownst to many who do not avail of room accommodations, there are a lot of them at ponds near/at the buildings where the rooms are located. How did I know about these? I got curious at 5 Japanese tourists so busy with their big cameras and whathavya gears shooting something on ground, so I went near!

There are too many of them, they are colorful and they come in various sizes – from a mere inch or even less, to probably 3 feet and; from a mere speck to as fat as a my thigh! They’re a school that must have already learned to associate humans with food. Fun to see them flock towards the side of a pond where any human would come approaching – even if just the housekeeping staff passing by! I liked watching the big ones when they come slithering forward. Though they keep a bit deeper than smaller ones, you could still see that they swim so sexy!

As a school of fish to be found in one place, I think these are the “most” in terms of number and size that I have seen in Cebu so far. Yeah, am still thinking, but I can’t remember anywhere else grander. Ah, and by the way, you can buy little packs of fish food at the front desk, in case you want to play with these lovely creatures!

Entertainment enough! Kids will have fun here… I did! Ehem!

look at front of that yellow mouth, there's a tiny little orange koi
this one I might as well call A380 - it's more than a jumbo!
some of them look like carp!
one staff told me they all have no teeth so it's ok to let them
grab fish food from your fingers! Wheh?! Ayaw ko... AYAW!
size 12 foot atop some of the bigger fry

ISSN: 2511325.75-1015


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