Baby Stingray (Pagi) in Catbalogan

I saw this group of 7 beautiful cute-looking baby creatures being sold at the fish section of the Catbalogan City Public Market. The manong vendor told me those were what remained of 18 heads he had for sale.

True or not (18 heads), it was probably in his effort to entice me to buy. His descriptions included explanations/descriptions that “pagi” (as they are called in the local dialect) are very delectable especially when still young and tender. In my mind I could only agree since I have had the chance to taste this kind of food years before.

I wondered though, do these creatures grow that easily so that anyone is fine hauling them at say 18 a day? Even when that young? Are they still abundant? If not, these types I think, I have seen on TV that there are species considered to be endangered. So I asked the manong if catching these was not against the law. His re-assuring reply was “diri gad” – with further explanation that if it was, then he should have already been caught or reprimanded. I think he had a point there.

Hmm, yet, I still did not feel too well looking at those cute little babies. I think they should have allowed those creatures to at least grow a bit more. And I even felt somewhere in me itching to make a lecture down there at all them Stingrays in the ocean hehe - “make sure your young stingrays do not go together in groups so they are not all caught by fishermen in one scoop”!

Oh well, I think these beautiful stingrays are gonna be endangered soon – if not yet anyway!



ISSN 2515064.125-0900


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