Why weigh the passenger?

Of course I felt bad. I felt embarrassed that the madlang public had to see my weight…. I hate them… Anyway, I still feel I am sexy!

Those are excerpts of an email I received from a dear “sexy” friend. She was lamenting, well uh, complaining why the airline had to weigh her, yes her very “sexy” body, aside from her luggage. I already answered her email. But, this same story she repeated when we met at another friend’s party – with all the action and facial expressions – we could all have died laughing at her animated story-telling! While we ate… and I could see fried chicken, lechon, caldereta, pancit and leche flan on her big plate, among others!

Well, I repeated what I told her in the mail, and let me tell you about it here…

Why weigh a passenger?
Technically, all things that go into an aircraft should be weighed. Why? Because the nearest to accurate weight of the plane is needed by airline staff and the pilot to calculate things (its complicated but I will tell you about those in a later story) so that the craft would be able to fly safely (first), comfortably (second) and economically (third) – in that order. I said “nearest to accurate” since many things are presumed, assumed or estimated for convenience.

Now let me ask… “would you like to fly in an airplane where everything is just estimated”? Kahaladlok ah, di ba la?!

Yeah yeah, you will readily counter that it does not happen in most airlines you have flown. That’s true, since in this country and most everywhere, most of the airliners’ planes are big jet-planes that can tolerate more of the “estimating” than smaller propeller aircraft. Note: the smaller the plane, the more there is a need to weigh everything – including passengers.

In the case of my dear friend, she was flying from Cebu to Iloilo and the airline uses a small aircraft. Yes, propeller aircraft (where you see the big electric fans on the side). So she, just like all other passengers taking that flight, must be weighed together with her handcarried baggage, aside from her checked luggage.

If that happens, don’t be offended… just say “thank you” for that means the airline is doing its job to ensure safety. And yes, after that… learn to stick to your new year’s resolution (for the 7th year now) that you’ll continue that weight-loss exercise program UNTIL you actually loose weight. Its not an overnight program, y’know! And by the way, don’t hate the airline’s check-in agents, they really need to do that. Plus, they may have a privacy policy but if you are worth talking about, there’s no assurance they won’t tell at least a friend or two that you are exactly 87.9 kilograms which is rounded to 88 kilograms. Be thankful still that they don’t measure passenger heights whahehehe! Peace ‘woman’, peace gid ya ah!

Remember dear sexy ladies, most airlines estimate a Filipino Female Passenger at 65 kilograms for that is already considered the ‘average maximum’!

Happy eating (oops, flying) in 2012 and beyond!


  1. hi, i've experienced flying on a propeller jet with cebu pacific (and experienced the weighing too). but i have one other concern, heheh... at cebpac, i had no problems transferring to another seat after take off on the said prop jet so when i took a prop jet at airphil, i was surprised when the flight attendant reprimanded me and said i have to go back to my assigned seat for the plane's weight and balance. now my question is, which airline is doing the right thing?

  2. (Technically) Airphil is doing it right, though its not like a boat or banca that will easily tip if you moved hehe. When the plane is heavy though - meaning it has a lot of loaded cargo/baggage, it will be wise to heed what the crews tell you.

    This could actually get critical for the landing part. Now since propeller flights are just very quick, meaning once it goes to the assigned altitude it starts to descend for landing, then its wiser for them to just not allow it anytime at all :)

    Anyway, just pout like a child and think of the attendant as KJ, but follow what they say, even if most of time its OA!

    Remember, you are in that plane so if anything happens, that includes you hehe! The last thing you'd like to hear is for the attendant to say "see, I told you"!

  3. funny story. makes me guilty though. okay i will exercise tomorrow o(

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