Getting Lost With Names - Malinao

This topic started with this article

Malinao generally means "clear" but in southern provinces it means calm (waters). We have two towns named Malinao, and they’re on opposite sides of the country.

On the eastern part, there is the town of Malinao in Albay Province (Region 5) that teems with mountain springs and waterfalls. There is even the Danao Lake on top of Mt. Malinao. But it also has undeveloped beaches and a reef for divers and snorkelers. This is on the northeastern side of Mayon Volcano and in the province's border with Camarines Sur. Nice place

The other Malinao is on the western side of the country and that is in the province of Aklan (Region 6). Ah this town is home to small-time handicraft makers whose products are exported to nearby Kalibo which is just about 15mins away. Other than that, there’s nothing to see. They are proud that two-thirds of the families in this town have one or two or more members working abroad. As what, I did not anymore ask!


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