Canhugas: A Different Kind Of Paradise
On my way to Borongan this morning I had a chance to drop by Canhugas Nature Park somewhere on the Pacific Coast of Hernani in Eastern Samar. All I could say was "oh wow, our country also has this"? For the past 2 or 3 years, I've been seeing signage along the road, pointing the way towards this place. That early, I already wanted to come and see this place. But, there was just no opportunity, until today! Why the interest? Ah well, I'm a beach lover, many of you know that. And seeing that the arrows on the road pointed east, I said "this Canhugas thing must be along Eastern Samar's Pacific Coast. Tingnan"! So, thinking this was some strip of "sandy beach", this was on my bucket list for quite a time. And this opportunity was even just an attempt to "make my bad day become a good one". A "stop gap activity"! Thus, I did not ever think this was going to be "one fantastic day of discovery"! Y'know pol...