
Showing posts with the label Dulag

Sabang Daguitan Surf Camp

A 'real surfing' camp, not a skimboarding camp like at San Jose, which I learned, is its sister facility. I did not know there is 'surfing' in this area, until this morning. I even just accidentally saw this signage at a corner along the national highway, as we were passing by Dulag going to Abuyog (both in Leyte). That is the national highway. I took the photo as we were already turning left to follow that signage. Even as we approached the gate (yes this beach is 'gated'), I could already see this is a wide beach.., At the gate, I saw info that this 'camp' is owned/managed by a cooperative supported by Gina Lopez. And just as I thought.., wide.., spacious beach indeed! More than a hundred meters to the water line! Notable notes: 1) The artsy signage at left is the first picture above. I like the wood carving, it creates a rustic fee! 2) There are no big trees (yet) in the whole expanse, from the time you enter the gate. But I saw that they al

Skimboarding Camp

Because I have been passing by this place, and I saw that this "development" had been inching along, now that it already has a name, even if not yet done, I dared peep, perchance learn more. Atrevida ba?! I know what a "skimboard" or "skimboarding" is, but I was curious about the "camp" portion. Curious if this site would be a place where they teach skimboarding or where skimboarders camp in, or both. I wondered too why this thing is up a hill when skimboarding is down at water's edge... Okay alright, there's already a path albeit temporary or still in the making, so I walked up there to ask. Ohhlalala, I got no definitive answers to any of my questions. But I got a slew of other information, I think was awesome enough and worth knowing anyway! That this house is going to be a restaurant; that the men building this house (who I bothered with my questions) are volunteers - being sons and husbands of the members of a women's organiz

Curious About "Hill 120"

Beautiful day. Beautiful view of the pacific as I approached Dulag from Tolosa. Before the town proper, I saw that brown marker telling me I was near (300 meters)... Hey you! Yes you! Do you even know what "Hill 120" is? What the "Hill" is it anyway?! For many non-Warays, this is unheard of, right? Yes, and this time, may I shamefully claim I am a non-Waray. Eh kesa naman I shamelessly claim that I am Waray tapos di ko man lang alam iyang Hill 120 na yan! Hahaha, yeah, I do not even remember if this thing was mentioned by Renato Constantino in our PHI textbook way back in college hehehe! But if it is any consolation, I have done my informal verbal research before visiting this place - I asked too many Waray-warays who are even residents of this region up till now, and - many of them do not really know, or have not even heard of Hill 120. Patas tayo! Anyway, I became aware of Hill 120 because of the many number of times I passed by it, in the course of perfor