One December Dusk In Palo

Wowowow what a colorful end of day! Look at the blues, reds and other hues up in the sky. Beautiful!
beautiful colorful skies at dusk in Palo Leyte
Driver was rushing me from the Government Center of Palo in Leyte, to the DZR Airport in Tacloban as I needed to catch my evening flight going back home to Cebu for Christmas, yey! Beautiful day indeed!

But I was in no hurry.., the driver was!

Ah yes, our drivers have all been trained to remember and stick to their "protocols". Like I left that last meeting an hour before ETD? That is a no-no for them! Even if they know I already did a web check-in as early as last night! Their protocol? Passenger (me, in this case), must be at the airport at least two hours before departure. Oh ha, laban ka? I am well taken care of in Region VIII! Sometimes, to a fault!

I requested that we stop for a moment so I could take pictures of the alluring afternoon sky. Promptly replied with a direct, and firm "no sir, waray na kita oras". Wha! I should have taken offense, but I know the protocols they follow, which, I am also supposed to abide by, at all times! So goodbye nice photos!

Anyway.., as the vehicle zoomed and hurtled along this road by the sea (Manlurip?), I sat mesmerized at how such rare heavenly pastel colors intermingled to paint this one-of-a-kind wonderful takipsilim!beautiful colorful skies at dusk in Palo Leyte

Notice that in all pictures here, the lower portions are blurry. That is because the car was speeding so fast, that I was left without a choice but to just merrily take shots with my cellphone - for the memory!
beautiful colorful skies and rice fields at dusk in Palo Leyte
It looked like, every turn we took, the sky was bent on showing-off different lovely colors and shades.

The heavenly ghosts were probably already inviting, reminding, starting.., to celebrate THE holiday.

Merry Christmas one and all!


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