Canigao Island: Beach Sights & Scenes

We ended the last story with this remarkable picture at one corner of Canigao Island..,
white sandy corner beach at the northeastern end of Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
I cannot over-emphasize the fact, that this corner of the island, beautiful as it is, has very very strong current it's very dangerous to young and old swimmers alike. I did try to 'float' in this area - supervised.

When I say supervised, there were no less than 3 boatmen watching me float on the rushing waters,
white sandy corner beach at the northeastern end of Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
With my yaya, chaperone, body guard (yung driver hehe) all eyes and following me from the shore! We just wanted to see how dangerously fast you could be dragged by the water current. Take note again, I was supervised, notwithstanding the fact that I was (almost) a university varsity swimmer (bench ba)!

What I wanted to see/test was what boatmen were telling me (I also saw this on TV), that the 'whirl' of the sea will actually bring you to shore, if you just float and "go with the flow". However, most folks do panic and vigorously swim against the strong current, so, they tire out and drown. Tested and Proven!

Anyway, I ended up just a few meters from where I started floating hehe. But look at the red arrows..,
shellfish being kept alive on the beach of Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
At first I thought those were just some "stray" corals or seaweeds. But on a beach with strong current?

So, I went near them, curious on what they really were, as they seemed unnaturally situated..,
shellfish being kept alive on the beach of Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
Aruu, the cousins brothers and sisters of fresh live shellfish I saw earlier at the vendor stalls. Oh Wow!

The boatmen naturally had an apprehensive look when I went near these sacksful hehe..,
shellfish being kept alive on the beach of Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
They probably thought I would open the sacks and let those shells crawl out and unto the sea hehehe!

I asked questions instead, and learned that: they keep these in sea-water to keep them alive longer.
shellfish being kept alive on the beach of Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
That they always have a short supply of these shells (anyway) on busy summer weekends like today :(

Hmm, over-consumption? Maybe we people of the world should slow down on feasting with shellfish. Yes, an impossible proposition I'm suggesting! But we could be eating them to extinction, who knows.


As I enjoyed the cool waters, I was able to look around and play around. Like this..,
clean fine sand of Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
That's how the beach sand looked-like by the water's edge [I just placed my watermark on the photo]!

And of course I also was able to further observe around. Like in this photo..,
supplies being delivered to the beach of Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
Sorry there was water on my lens, but you can still see, those four cases of beer and 2 cases of Coke were destined to one of the stores that sell them - on the island. Although, yes, there were other boats that brought similar supplies, bought by visitors from mainland - the big groups that needed so many!

Until I heard my driver say "sir, dadating na si Rutchell"! Hmm, who is Rutchell?

The boat that we came in on, also the boat that must ferry us out from the same spot we docked at..,
children at play on the beach of Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
We docked at some meters beyond that lifeguard high-chair over at that corner. As I was still enjoying the water, I told him watch me as I would just 'float' myself along the current until I reached that place.

Here are photos as I floated on that strong water current. [again, don't do this unattended by adults]
view of the beach from the sea at Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
view of the beach from the sea at Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
view of the beach from the sea at Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte

And then we waited for the boat to arrive and fetch us.

But if you were thinking my stories of/at the island end here and now.., no no no.., not yet!

Here comes the scoop! The "huwag tularan" portion that some of our kababayans do..,
people enjoying their time on the beach at Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
That is me in the middle of the picture alright. I knew my "yaya chaperon bodyguard" (the driver hehe) was taking this series of pics. I knew too he was not really aiming the camera at me, but he had to get me in the shot, just in case this "activity" get him into trouble haha! Gumaya na yata sa akin si yaya ko!

But as you can probably discern, I was watching (listening pa nga eh) at those three people. Bakit? Ah eh, the "three people" was composed of two guys (mga bayot, so don't panic yet) and a sexy lady who, it seemed, they were trying to console or make calm. The issue: "putanginang pag-ibig 'to"! OMG hehe!

I/We could hear her wails and lamentations.., bigo si Inday. Iniwan ni fafa! Gino-o ko!

Minutes of this dramatic beach histrionics continued.., and here came the next scene..,
people enjoying their time on the beach at Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
That's still me at right.., but now looking at three simultaneous scenes unfolding! Hah, I congratulated my driver for capturing this "phenomenon" hahaha! To all you foreigners reading this, I assure you, this is not common in the Philippines. So, no cause for alarm. This only happens when we Pinoys have too much hard-earned money for alcoholic drinks - which, you would already know, is very extremely rare!

But let me continue the "scene annotations" hehehe: Green Arrow points to the wailing lady described above. She was now complaining on "why there is love". Ahahaaay pag-ibig! Oh well, and BUT, if it was any consolation to us [the audience] and her two friends, they have at least inched to shallower water!

Blue Arrow points to one of their shirtless companions who emerged from this cottage at left, walked drunkenly with a Red Horse bottle in one hand, mumbling incoherent things, and dropped face-flat to the sand. No worry, lalaki yan and wearing brown-colored shorts, that's why he looks naked from afar!

Red Arrow points to another of their bikini-clad companions. She also emerged from this shack at left and was drunkenly screaming. I could not clearly make out of the things she was shrieking about, but she sounded to me like ready for war (naghahanap ng away) hehehe! I silently said "sige, sugod udai"!

Note, there were 3 kids watching and could hear the language as this irresponsible drama unfolded. I was sure those kids were unrelated to them - "uzi" lang. And there is a couple leaving the scene. I am not sure if they knew any of these drunk idiots. Ah, I think not. That boatful leaving, they also watched!

The drama continued! Next scene, pag-pakle han pelikula: that's still me at right, holding my slippers!
people enjoying their time on the beach at Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
Our green arrow sexy lady already standing - aba, an improvement! Our blue arrow dude still immobile flat on the sand - natulog na yata ang gi-ahak, mabuti kung ganun! And our red arrow sexy war freak is now talking to a man. Nakahanap na ng kaaway? Hahaha, but I had to already clean my slippers. GTG!

My yaya chaperone bodyguard (the driver pa rin hehe) already hollered "sir, adi na hi Rutchell"!
boats departing from and arriving at the beach of Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
So there she was, our boat approaching the beach as that other boat already left with its passengers.

But going to the boarding area, we must walk by the cottage of our drunken "live-drama" stars!
pwasted/drunk folks on the beach at Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte
Ayan! Those are exactly the 2 bayots in the green arrow above. But who is that lying prostrate on the ground they're tending-to this time? Could it still be our "putanginang pag-ibig 'to" lady? Or another of their friends? If it was "she".., so dinamitan na nila? Because earlier on, on the water, she removed her 'whatever', that showed her "au naturelle" to da "madlang public" and da birds and da bees and da fish!

Que barbaridad.., que horor.., que.., que.., que lami sa Red Horse 'no?!

Let's end this "showtime" (or is it "liveshow"?) with this: when we passed-by, I purposely glanced at the 'insides' of their cottage . Mama Mia Mana Mia! Replete with many kinds of alcoholic drinks! From the basic kalsada-style "cuatro-cantos with lime-juice" to the sosyalin Smirnoff Mule! Of course, lots more of Red Horse. There were other bottles I didn't recognize. Many were still unopened. OMG, No wonder!

Okay okay alright, let's change topics. This time on the going-home matter!

That should be our last Canigao Island topic. Next!



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