Handumanan, Museo De Calbayog

Loitering Around Calbayog: Handumanan
This is that big old house just a few steps from the apology monument. I knew the few times I passed-by, that this structure must be something important to Calbayog.

Ogling at it from the street, I saw a dusty marble slab on the external wall with inscriptions telling what the building is called, when was it made, and who were the personalities that saw to its completion.

So the place is called “Handumanan”, “Museo De Calbayog”. I checked out all those doors, everything was closed and they looked they have been closed for sometime now, which is why the only prominent thing is dust.

And then it rained! Awrrrr!

Like some folks who were caught by the downpour in this area, I stayed put on the side of the building to take cover. I asked one of the old men standing near me what time or day this museum opens. I was surprised by his reply saying “looks like this thing has been closed for some time now”.

Nge! Just exactly as I thought! Oh well, at least he told me 'out of the blue', that maybe there are ghosts in there, since this was formerly a jail. Awk! That was something new to me!

Rain over, I started out for the cathedral just across the street. But I glanced back at the Handumanan - noticed that upstairs is a government office. And now that I am about to post this article, I hopped into google and learned that that office upstairs is the City’s Tourism and Information Office!

Haruuuy! I should have checked that office out! But they looked rather busy the time I visited. They probably had some big honcho for a visitor upstairs since there were a lot of folks and mostly were in “proper attire” hehe!

Oh well, next time!


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