The Upper Chapel, Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral

Did you know there is something like that? Yes there is, and if you are a Cebuano Catholic or a frequent visitor of the city who likes going to the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral, you will probably have heard this announcement just every after communion even on English masses… “sila si Monsignor Boy Alesna…” and that goes on to the lector announcing how much was the budget needed for which the “second collection” was being done and what was the status of that chapel, etc etc, right?!

Well, when the announcement later became something like the chapel is done sometime in January, I did get curious what it is and what it is being used for! So in one of my walks, I asked around where and how could I go there. A lay officer told me to approach the guard over at the sacristy so he could lead me to said chapel. Hmm, so I did!

Guard enthusiastically led me through a nice door behind which is a wooden stairway leading to the second floor chapel that has been dedicated in honor of Saint Joseph. Yes, that is second floor behind and above the Metropolitan Cathedral’s sacristy. Nice one. Simple but tastefully done. The tall ceiling makes it airy and bright even with just sunlight washing in through the windows. Guard tells me the parish timed the dedication of this chapel on the 1st anniversary of the installation of Bishop Palma as the present archbishop of Cebu.

I asked the guard what this chapel was being used for and by whom. He told me that it is now a preferred venue for weddings, baptisms and other such church  ceremonies that do not have or do not require a lot of attendees. Nice idea since this cathedral, I hear, is one with the most difficult schedule to grab for such affairs. Now there is one upstairs. Heads up to everyone though, don't consider this chapel for anything if your old folks may already find it difficult climbing stairs – while it is a big one, its a tall thing to climb!

One more thing… as the guard accompanied me roaming around the chapel, he motioned for me to check out the 3rd floor as it  was also part of the renovation! There is still a 3rd floor?! Well so I ran up the stairs, but suddenly stopped at the very top of it. Its some kind of a bodega called “liturgical storage” where church things and all those stuff used everywhere are kept. Why did I stop? Ah ehhh, it feels kinda eerie up there! What with all the life sized rebultos or just heads or just torsos lying around at some double decks or shelves. Guard says all is even orderly now. I still say, duuu!

There you have it folks! At least now I (and you too) know where the few coins we donated on those “second collections” went. Hey I may have dropped just a few coins but the aggregate of OUR donations helped the parish reach the required budget of about 3 point something million! Buti pa ang simbahan no? Barya-barya nakakagawa ng chapel. Eh yung BIR at DPWH, DepEd, DoT, DILG, DOH etc etc. Aruu, terminal fees and travel taxes ko pa lang for this year, more than 3000% na yata sa mga coins that I donated to that “second collection”!

Not to mention that yesterday was your final ITR day hehehe!

GBU as in God Bless Us!


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