Notes on the Bus Hostage/Killing Incident of 23 August 2010

Alright, once and for all, I will say my piece. Hate it or like it, take it or leave it!

To those of you asking me about details of the incident:
What you saw on TV is what I also did see. There’s no need to tell anything more. I don’t know much as I am busier (and I prefer to be) roaming the beautiful islands. I don’t give any more effort to find out about things I don’t like. I think that’s human nature, right?

To those asking about the “thorough investigation” and/or the “good outcome”:
They’re still at it (investigating). I saw it on local news noontime, am sure there will be more tonight and I read a lot of tweets from the local newscasters and local news bureaus. You can follow those that I follow on twitter and chances are you’ll get a per minute snippet about it.

I wonder, what is a “good outcome” anyway? Isn’t it a preconceived notion in your brains awaiting to be matched if head-on smack or juxtaposed with what the investigators will ultimately say? I think that’s dangerous hehe! I can assure you though, whatever the result, it will have nothing to do with your planned vacation, wedding, visit, party, dive safari, zip line adventure, trekking, rappelling, white-water rafting, etc., So go on with your plans – even if it includes a visit to Fort Santiago and Luneta! The chances of you getting caught in a similar incident is definitely less than you being hit by lightning. Especially these days hehe!

This is still a beautiful country, and very safe. Nothing amongst the touristic activities and infrastructures has been affected by that hostage thing. Well, save for… Hong Thai travel has one less bus hehe AND hear this… I learned the hotels and resorts on Mactan Island are slashing their rates to as much as 50% starting 15SEP2010 until December!



  1. true true...i should have made my vacation come 15 September to enjoy the slashed rates! There is no outcome good or already happened. Move on people...but do not forget the mistakes. One day people will forget about it. It just sells news...


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