
Showing posts from March, 2010

Marvin’s Seaside Inn, Naval

This is not at center of town. But I had nothing to do at the very center of Naval, Biliran anyway! Plus, it being my first time to Naval - where I didn't know anyone (so I thought) - I had to rely on info I got from web sources (although few). This place was most recommended anyway, so I went for it! That simple! Oh, I often do this when information is bleak – I called this place up (while I was still in Ormoc), not to get a room, but just ask a few questions. I "listen" for "attitude" to help me decide! It worked this time! I compared all information gathered about accommodations in Naval, then I decided Marvin's was for me! Mind you, this place has no restaurant, the kind you would expect from most hotels. But I learned they cook food for guests! That was important for me. Why? Because nga the place is far from center of town! I even liked this setup - cook only when someone wants to eat - not so much food is wasted! What else did I know before I arri

Back to Naval, and Chamorita

After Tinago, it was a choice if we should go back to Naval via this new cross country road and call it a day or go back to Caibiran then continue circling the island via the circumferential road. Ah, a hard decision. But when I checked the time, it was nearly 4PM, and I surmised the sun would already be down and out while we were still on the road to probably just Cabucgayan or the town of Biliran. So I decided we better head straight for Naval via this cross country road! Well good we did, because the views along the way are also wonderful! Nice countryside sceneries once more! Oh, this photo is blurred as one hand was on the motorbike while the other was on the camera. But I took this photo because the second passenger is lugging two big tire interior tubes! And they were already wet! If they were just on the way to Tinago, fine with me. But I suspected there is somewhere else in these mountains that is probably another haunt of locals. Hmm, another waterfall? Or a river that is

Tinago Falls, Biliran

This is the bigger waterfall and most popular in the province. Yeah, the area has been a bit spruced up, thus, even if it is also far from the main road, easier to approach than this morning's Bagongbong Falls. Tinago Falls is somewhere in the lower-middle portion of Biliran Island (part of Caibiran). There are no nearby communities, so one really has to 'commission' special transport for a visit. But my driver told me some folks come to this place riding tricycles. Gosh! If this is your only purpose, don't do what I did by circling the top half of the island first before heading this way. This waterfall is just probably some 15 or more kilometers from Naval via the cross-country road. Not sure about that but I strongly believe it cannot be a 20km stretch. Ah, the drop is high and strong. But unlike waterfalls in many other places in this country, that very area where the water pounds earth has no barrier ropes nor anything like that. And (at least during my visit),

Taking The Credit Too Much!

This is true everywhere in this country anyway – politicians putting up big and expensive signages just to announce that they sponsored this and that or those and these. As if their constituents really owe it to them. Anyway, this one caught me curious. He/She or probably the political rival, had the face covered with a patch of some white material. Plus, some writings on the lower portion of that “billboard” was 'covered' with white paint. Don’t you wonder why? I do. Whatever the case or circumstances, my take is, it would have been easier to tear the whole ugly eyesore down. It just distracts motorists anyway. Let me attempt to translate what is written… “Our concreting of the Cross Country Road is finally done. We did in 2 years and 5 months what has not been done in a long period. My promise has been fulfilled” This is at the cross country road in Biliran island/province from the town of Naval to Caibiran. Putting such an “announcement” is rather too forward if

Kawayan Culaba Caibiran Run

Until now, I shake my head knowing I missed roaming opportunities at this three towns. Blame it on the time of day (noon), some rain (on a hot summer day) and the darkening skies (that looked like evening was befalling too soon)! Oh well. Anyway... Like it was from Naval to Almeria, just probably also five minutes after we left Talahid Beach we already reached the town of Kawayan and OMG what a quiet town we even joked it was a ghost town! There was literally no human being in sight. Literally! Well, it was just about 1PM and people were probably either in their homes to have lunch or still in their homes for a siesta after lunch. We tried circling some of the streets for a human being to ask, but we could not see any! My question was if there was any boat I could ride crossing to that smaller island which is the town of Maripipi. We finally saw a manong at what looked like a boat landing or wharf and he told me that most folks with boats were either resting or already at Maripipi to

Talahid Beach Discoveries

Still in Almeria , but after the Bagongbong Falls , we headed onward north and reached this beach called Talahid. There are resorts here, from those with rooms and other amenities like swimming pools to those that are simple little open huts called "cottages". The sand i this beach is a little bit different from many we see. It is generally called "white sand" but there are shades from a bit yellow to a bit gold to even a bit orange or red. And coarser. A wonderful place just the same. And there is that island I never got to visit! It is even clearer a view here than at the poblacion. Oh well. And it does make for a nice background when people take their pictures on this beach. Lunch! Yep, that time of day caught up with us at this beach. What with the long stay and long walks to/from the Bagongbong Falls . Well what a chance! We rested at a 'cottage' owned by Mang Nestor whose other main business is "Lechon Manok" prepared and cooked at anoth

Falling for Bagongbong Falls

This was not in my itinerary for I did not encounter the name on the web. But I was gladly surprised when my guide asked as we exited Poblacion Almeria "sir, pupunta ba tayo sa Bagongbong Falls"? Without hesitation I said yes yes yes! And, off the main road we went. Where is it? It is still part of the town of Almeria (barangay Caucab?) but let me caution you it's not near! Fortunately for me, my guide just knew and had been to this place once since he has relatives who live near there. He even got his younger cousin to "guide" us! Again, it's not near hehe! See that picture? That is the one and only such signage along the way that I saw. Where that is posted,  is I think the house of one of their barangay officials in charge of collecting entrance fees. You look for a place to park your motorbike in this barangay since you will start walking from this point! Kilometers! I can't estimate how far we walked from that point as the road/path was up and d