Quezon Memorial Circle

False assumptions and generalizations
That is a common trait amongst Pinoys so I don’t cringe about telling the world that I falsely imagined bad images of the QMC based on unfounded generalizations by concocting bits ‘n pieces of bad info that I come across with from time to time. You know, just like many of us saying “Mindanao is a war zone”. Like hello?! Like many of you out of the country now are saying “Philippines is a dangerous place”. Like hello?! Ganun?! So here I go!

I was wrong to have assumed QMC is a haven of criminals. That generalization formed in my mind at remembering that Romulo Kintanar or Ka Romy (the ex-NPA chief) was murdered in a restaurant inside the QMC. But now I realize where do murders occur? They happen along the whole stretch of EDSA with as grave as bombs in a bus. So should I evade EDSA? They happen even at the entrance or inside churches, so should I not go to them anymore? Oo nga naman!
I was wrong to have assumed that QMC was a cheap place frequented by hapless house helpers who conglomerate there during Sundays. I probably coined this idea in my mind because we had a house help who frequented the QMC then. Now I envy her having done that waaay ahead of me!
What’s in there anyway?

There is an underpass from the Quezon City Hall. Not just an underpass like you would see in Quiapo or Lerma. This one is tastefully done with shiny tiles on the floor and even to the lower half of the wall. It compares to the underpasses you see along Ayala Avenue and other such places. No commercial billboards (yet) to make the

There is an overpass from PCA. Yep, that is the usual “blue and pink” structure that you most often see in the metropolis. Hmm, thanks to BF? Oh well, yes probably, since this is a busy area with a lot of vehicles zooming through. The PCA (Philippine Coconut Authority) Building is where many of the QMC visitors cross from. Thankfully, the government recognized that and erected the overpass. So what does this make of the elegant underpass from the Quezon City Hall? Ah, hayaan nyo na! The more pedestrian ways to go into the QMC, the merrier! Let’s just think that the overpass is BF, while underpass is SB – I could be wrong on that, but that’s my view hehe!
Intermission: I learned something about names during this visit. The PCA is Philippine Coconut Authority while PHILCOA is also Philippine Coconut Authority. So what’s the difference?! The answer is: “people”! That means, people generally refer to the PCA as the building itself of the Philippine Coconut Authority right at the corner of Don Mariano Marcos Avenue and the Elliptical Road. The same folks know PHILCOA as that commercial area/district just almost across PCA. Yep, the BLISS housing and the residential area behind it. Why does that matter? Listen to this: if you tell a cab you’re going to Philcoa, you will be delivered to this commercial area and not the PCA so you could across to the QMC! Hahaha, confusing? Ah, just look at it on google maps, okay?!
Now back to the QMC!

Playgrounds abound! Yep, not only one such playground for the kids… they’re in so many places. Mind you, the slides, see-saws and swings are not your common rusty iron and tin sheet things. Those are made of fiber glass like the ones we see at McDo, Jollibee or the malls! Ah kids of all ages will always have something to play with in this big big place. The joggers have their own track but they can go anywhere. Whoa! Even military dudes do their drills and exercises on the same grounds too!
Badminton, Volleyball and Basketball courts too. Hey, how many basketball courts have I counted? Three? I guess so. Martial Arts folks of many kinds also practice their craft at the QMC. There are those who do Arnis. Others are into those karate things with either Chinese, Japanese or Koean names. I like the one with very slow movements that those elder folks do – is that Tai Chi? Oh, the hiphop generation is also represented and we had fun watching them practice their dances with a lot of acrobatics. There is even a group of health buffs onstage with loud music teaching/leading whoever is interested in aerobic dance exercises. Watching them, we could not help but sway with their movements hehe! Hah, even the dog lovers converge with their cute little toy dogs or those scary big mongrels! I was not sure if it actually was a dog school or just dog lovers meeting up.
Wall climbing? Yes there is a facility there. But, yes you have to pay for that hehe. Tired? There are massage areas care of a group of blind folks who earn a living by giving you that needed massage. Hungry? While there are a lot of kiosks that sell food turo-turo style, there are the big restaurants like Max’s etc., There are bazaar style stores too for the shopaholics! RC cars? There is even a dedicated field for this expensive hobby! Yep, those remotely controlled little real-like cars that run and jump around a track. They have their own space in the QMC and they have a lot of following!
Shopping? Well, how about vegetables… and organic at that?! We liked ogling at those plants grown in a kind of greenhouse but not planted on the ground. I think that’s what they call hydroponics or something similar. And the produce really do sell very fast! I saw some ladies trying to make the “gardener” say yes to their request – “that soon as those veggies are ready for harvest, they’d be reserved for them ladies”! The manong won’t commit!
I wonder if those electric cars are still there nowadays?!