This is nature-adventureland Philippines!

Region 2 (sometimes written with the Roman numeral as REGION II) commonly referred to as Cagayan or Cagayan Valley Region in the big island of Luzon is composed of five provinces or about 90 towns and 3 cities that make up the north-eastern portion of the country. I consider this region to be the Philippine showcase that truly has everything for the nature adventurer. From leisurely jungle trails to spelunking to whitewater rafting and secluded beaches, this region is just perfect.

By the name Cagayan Valley however, one does not readily recognize that this region actually includes the Batanes group of islands in the northern-most tip of the country – even nearer to Taiwan than Metro Manila!

This area of the country is culture and nature rich!

Attractions in this region are not limited to caves, waterfalls, the Sierra Madres, the biggest and longest river nor the northernmost islands however. The people’s way of day-to-day business and industries like rice-farming, orchards and crafts are just as interesting for everyone!
While there are a lot of references that can give you various information about this part of the country, my favorites are:


Department of Trade and Industry

Wow Philippines' Explore Philippines pages

Virtual Tourist
http://www.virtualtourist.com/ especially the VT Philippines Forums

If you have questions or want to tell me more information about this region, please do not hesitate to send me an email, comment on this page, like my facebook page or through my twitter account.


  1. It is quite funny that Cagayan Valley is host to one of three good rafting sites in the Philippines. Although it’s not quite easy to reach compared to the ones in Cagayan de Oro and Davao. Rafting is one unique thrilling and fun experience for bonding time with friends and families.


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