Duck Tour, Kananga
I was passing by some barangay in Kananga Leyte, when I saw ducks wading on a brook. They looked interestingly noisy, so I went near for a closer look at what they were all quacking about. Just curious! In no time, the owner of them ducks came to check what I was in his farm for. He probably suspected I was about to snatch and run away with one or two or more of his birds heheh! I said "pa-picture ha"? Well, it turned out, not only me was curious about something.., all of them quackers were also curious about me, if I might be some heaven-sent food angel descending upon them with lots of poultry feast. It started with a few ducks checking me out.., all of a sudden, there was a commotion, a stampede, a stream of ducks of all ages, quacking scuffling to get to me, only to find out there was nothing to eat! [I will insert a video clip here, soon] The manong told me this was a small-scale duck farm. But, for me, their numbers was overwhelming! Nakakatuwa nakakaaliw to se...