Tacloban To Tagbilaran
How to travel from Tacloban to Tagbilaran? Let me count the ways hahaha! If from Cebu to Tagbilaran has many options all the more if it's from Tacloban, right? The choices are literally via Land, Air or Sea! Anyway, in the interest of time and ease, I flew Tacloban to Cebu to Tagbilaran! It went like this: ===> TAC-CEB ETD:1240H ETA:1325H CebGo (P1,693.88) ===> CEB-TAG ETD:1530H ETA:1600H PALex (P1,125.00) Just a little more than 3 hours and not even worth 3,000 I already reached Tagbilaran! How did it go? Well, very few passengers on both flights and kind of a little stressful due to delays, but I was able to connect just the same. Hotel limo left the airport thinking I did not arrive but he returned! O di ba masaya?! TACLOBAN TO CEBU Let's start from the very beginning. This was lunch at a restaurant in front of Tacloban's DZR Airport. This early and quick lunch was past 11AM since boarding time was supposed to be 1210H. No, those were not all just mi...