Getting Lost With Names - Mabini
This topic started with this article There are four towns and those are in regions 1, 4, 7 and 11! In the western part of Pangasinan, Mabini is a landlocked town. It takes the backseat from virtually all of its neighbors which are coastal towns from the South China Sea to the Lingayen Gulf. At least there is a cave system! In the southwestern part of Batangas, Mabini is interestingly at the tip of a peninsula that divides two interesting bays – the Batangas and Balayan Bays. This town’s name is easily remembered by the word “Anilao” – the most famous and readily accessible dive site in the country. This resort town has a very long list of dive/picnic/private resorts! Down south in Bohol, Mabini is a sleepy town east of the island and has its share of caves, beaches and islets. This is part of the island that is yet off the beaten tourist tracks though I suspect not for long. Just take my case, I hopped into this Mabini coming from Leyte! Further south in Compostela Valley is our last t...