
Showing posts with the label Cabadbaran

Cabadbaran City

Many of you may not have heard about this place yet. I just wanted to pass by this locality as I was curious as to how could it have been a city! I breezed by this town once, some years ago and I wonder what mega-improvements or economic miracles have been done to make it become a city. The trike ride from Magallanes was uneventful and I was at Cabadbaran in just a short countryside ride! Well, the road from Magallanes was good, so I thought I was in for a grand go-see of a never heard but beautiful city! Entering the city proper by a road intersection, I saw an old house but renovated with new paint. Beautiful! But I knew I would just create issues if I asked to enter and see the insides of that residence hehe. So I stayed on the trike until we reached the end point of the trip – which is the “mercado”. With no prior detailed information about this place (hard to get one), I approached a cop, yes a policeman in that blue uniform and a handgun on his side! I asked where the city center

Any Occasion?

The waiter at least gamely cooperated, so I took this shot. As they kept passing, something on their uniform tee was “bothering” me hehe. And so I realized, there is something wrong in that phrase. Its probably the “in” or the extra “s” at the end. Eh, am no grammar expert. Basta, something does not seem to fit! Alson’s btw, is one of the no frills restaurants I liked having lunch at while roaming Cabadbaran City. They always have lechon btw! Oh well, the careless signs of our times…