Message to Kawatan
This message is by one of the framed pictures inside the Boljoon Church in Cebu, Here’s my attempt to translate it… "You are still too young, boy, and you’re already a thief. You will surely be dropped by the Lord to the fire that is Hell. Your angel has been noting down your deeds. [You stole] even the money at the Sto. Nino retablo[?] You are such a wretched kid, you are eating [with] and spending stolen money. Are you not afraid of the Holy Judgment of God? You will surely weep and your teeth will drop when you fall to hell"... Or something like that. First time I saw this kind of message inside a church and I think its very disturbing – at whatever angle or point of view I look at this. Quite a discussion topic actually. Oh well, a very bad sign of our times…