Discovering Basay Negros Oriental

My Negros Oriental Tour: Basay Have you heard about this town? Me neither hehe. Its Basay, pronounced ‘buh-sigh’, in the speed and stress as you would say ‘amend’, ‘demand’, ‘July’, ‘balay’, ‘aray’, ‘patay’, ‘poday’ ahhhehehe! Take note this is the southwestern tip of the province of Negros Oriental. Am not talking about Basey (pronounced buh-say) over at Samar, aight?! Though local folks in Samar call Basey, exactly the same name as above – Basay! Ah am muddling your brains hehe! I went to Basay, not because of anything but just because it is part of Negros Oriental province! There was nothing I could get on the web worth visiting in Basay town proper. Everything worth a peep are down under the water (dives) or up in the hinters (caves, waterfalls). Almost everyone I asked did not even know about the place. Some at least said they have heard about it. But I promised myself I would roam the entire NegOr province… so I went to Basay! After the short walk from Casa Rosario, I was at the ...