
Showing posts with the label Balingoan

Balingoan To CDO Airport

Easy to find a bus here. I just followed where those people ahead of me were going hehe. Hey it’s a bit of a long walk (about 200+ meters to the highway). Unlike that tour we had decades ago, vehicles do not (or probably not anymore allowed to) go into the pier. These are modern times. There is order and organization here and now. Malayo nga lang! The buses are not at the corner of the pier and the highway. You still walk to the right upon reaching that national road. Some 90~100 meters more, and on the left side will be the bus terminal. Happy that the more reliable/reputable-looking buses are nearest the entrance. I hopped on one ASAP. This was a red air-conditioned bus but I can’t remember if named Rural or Bachelor. Ah but I know it must have been either of the two. Of the Ceres family of buses. Vallacar transport, yes. Uneventful run to CDO at almost 2 hours for 110 pesos. Fast enough. All of them are anyway, right? I loved the farm sceneries along the way. Progressive place.

Benoni To Balingoan

This was planned, at least as of yesterday! I had to take a RORO ride from Benoni port to the port of Balingoan, which takes about an hour. From there, a bus ride to CDO, then cab to the airport would have made me catch with ease my early evening flight. So, since it was obvious I was in danger of being left behind by the RORO, I agreed with my habal-habal driver that he be the one to rush me to Benoni instead of taking yet more time looking for one or waiting it out with the trikes or jeeps at the market. Take this: I checked out of Rooftop Hotel at 1220H, I was already sitting on the RORO as 12:55NN! Not to mention that at 1226H, I was still at the PNB ATM in Mambajao! How was the ride? Also wonderful. It was not even a RORO but a smaller boat. All-steel body (at least) and not a wooden boat. Hello Noah, am not keen riding your kind of boat hehe! Mind you, this boat that I took to Balingoan may have been the very same (or the same kind) as that boat we took on our tour of de

Demiren To Cagayan De Oro Seaport

Oh yeah? Yea yeah hehe. This was a first time for me to take a fast craft from CDO to Camiguin, for in the past, one had to take a bus ride to Balingoan before crossing to the island. Well, times have changed for the better. Reason I had to try Paras Sea Cat – that’s how they call this fastcraft service. Yep, owned by Paras Resort. 0600H Sunday, I was excitedly already up, dumped my things inside the weekend pack (as if there are a lot anyway hehe) and went for the showers. 0630H, I was at Demiren’s front office to check-out, with protestation from the desk clerk. Why? Because, she said, I was way too early. Yup, she knew where I was going as she was one of those I peppered with many questions last night on how best to go to Camiguin! She advised me to have breakfast first etc., etc. I prevailed anyway, so I asked the bellboy to help me hail a cab as I crossed the street to take a photo of Demiren Hotel's "external view". This is a narrow street and its a big building