Panglao International Airport: Arrival

I promised earlier to describe what I have seen at the new Panglao International Airport, so here I go. But it would be best to start from the time I arrived until I departed - the usual passenger experience. First thing I noticed during landing, the soil on this part of the island is colored red. Did you see it on the video ? Not that it matters to passengers' safety, security, comfort or convenience. I just found that amazing, since the beach sand around this island is notably light-colored from cream to almost white! Well, if you take a hint from above, the color red kept 're-appearing' in my notes. So keep reading! Oh, here it is hehehe! The aerobridge floor is colored red, and the walls are pink! I said "bakit kaya"? It's not really red as in "bright red" hehe! More of various shades from red to maroon and well, as you can see above, "dull pink", hindi "dainty pink" or "powdery pink" or "sanrio pink...