
Showing posts from June, 2014

8-Ounce or Sakto?

Listen up my fellow Coke addicts. This was such a fun and funny discovery! I asked for Coke 8oz as I was devouring a delectable fried pork belly at this fastfood. This bottle was what appeared on my table but I sipped immediately anyway! Then… Me: Manang, sabi ko 8-ounce, Sakto itong ibinigay mo Manang: oo sakto gyud, 8-ounce na dong Me: Asuuus, nagpalusot si Manang! (and I asked for extra rice) When she returned with my extra cup of rice, she also brought an unopened bottle of the usual “Coke 8oz” that many of us are familiar with. Beaming with pride like an elementary school teacher, this jolly manang pointed to me the contents label… And I really took a closer look at the two bottles! Yeah, looks can deceive... Whadyathink? Oh, here's a clearer view... Later in the afternoon I passed by a carinderia and asked for “Coke Sakto”. Here it is, the usual “Sakto” that all of us know. It says 200mL. Okay, my lips are sealed now. Ah, make that both feet in the mo

Buenos Aires (Victoria) to Allen, then Calbayog

I went to Allen but not to roam yet. I just needed a ride to Calbayog from Victoria - best way to do this is to depart from Allen which is only 5 minutes away from Buenos Aires - even if it backtracks! Why so? Because vans (fastest means) are usually already full when departing from Allen - the station of origin. So it will be 'luck in a million' for you to catch a ride along the route. Besides, Grand Tours is a terminal-to-terminal kind of service, the fare is still P100 to Calbayog, whether you ride at Allen or Victoria. Original plan was: the 1PM Grand Tours van would pick me up at ‘Spice of Life’ at Buenos Aires beach (this was pre-arranged as early as yesterday via a friend in Allen). How does that work? Well, the reserved seat (paid) is left empty on departure from Allen - where reserved passenger joins 5-mins later along the way. Now you know. Convenient, right? But I could not find lunch in Buenos Aires where I was supposed to wait for the van! So, as mentioned in th

Buenos Aires Beach, Victoria

This was my real destination in Victoria . I’ve heard from some friends that this place has a fine white beach, not as long as Boracay’s though wonderful enough they say! I even already knew where to go from Victoria town center: ride a jeep, tricycle or habal-habal going Allen, and get off at Spice Of Life Beach Resort! Oh ha, prepared! How easy? Well, I was not even at that intersection yet, as I walked from the Victoria Park , and I already saw a tricycle that stopped to wait for me. I ran so as not to keep his other passengers waiting and I immediately took the seat behind Manong Driver. When he asked where I was going, I just said “Spice Of Life”. He nodded, off we went! This is a picturesque run. The highway traces the northwestern Samar shoreline... San Antonio can be seen along the way. That haze of an island at the back is Capul ! And hey, I even knew if "I was there yet"! As the trike made its final right turn from the main barrio of Buenos Aires, I h

Visiting Victoria

Victoria who? Or Victoria where? Definitely not the one in British Columbia (Canada) and not even that populous state in Australia. I have had enough of Melbourne during my younger years hehe. Those places cannot be here – see this blog’s title! This Victoria I visited is a seaside town in Northern Samar that is the most common jump-off point to/from the Islands of San Antonio and Capul. And, I just came from San Antonio (I passed here 2 days ago), now about to end my 3Days2Nites lalaag! Alright, not that I have wanted to see this place (center of town) for any particular reason but I was already there, so I told myself, maybe I should roam a bit and see whatever. I already saw the roof of their church even as my boat from San Antonio approached, so I thought I’d go see it – who knows, it could just be another Capul! Well, I reached it, and this is their church as seen from the street: That’s why I saw its top portion from the sea, because this church is on some kind of a mound o

Something Bad in San Antonio

Cant' help but put this as an entire article, perchance the world still be able to do something to stop them, because, in the case of San Antonio, this is still stoppable - Beach Fencing . I was reflecting during the breezy boat ride from San Antonio to Victoria, and in the silence (of the 4 passengers, me included), I got to thinking… did I like this 3D2N trip to the islands? Immediately I told myself “Capul, was an unexpected wow I must go back there for a longer visit”! As for San Antonio, well, I may still go back there – when on the way to Capul hahaha! But, I am curious about Lagbangan and what else I may enjoy especially their attractions at the lagoon surrounded by mangroves. Or maybe I’d be curious if that runway and airport that most everyone are so proud about as coming soon 'would' materialize. As of now, I say, ows?! Guiuan, Borongan and Catbalogan nga all already have runways and airports pero di makakuha ng market, how much more an island that is still a

San Antonio to Victoria

So this was goodbye San Antonio, and I was ready to be back at mainland Samar! 8:58AM of a Tuesday, I was already at the beach area to catch a boat back to Victoria. One has just left, and I still saw it pushing back, loaded with many passengers. I missed it by just a few seconds, I guess. But I was in no hurry. I may have opted not to take that very boat if by chance I arrived at this area earlier. Why? Because, I wanted to observe how things transpire in this place, and, happy I did! Looking around and asking around, it turned out I was one of just three passengers who needed to cross to Victoria. One was an older lady (probably a businesswoman) who was incidentally beside me on a makeshift “waiting bench”, and the other was that sexyish urbanite of a girl w/ a backpack. Okay, so I observed the lively goings-on. Like… I heard it again here (as I've heard while still in Victoria coming to this place), that boats must have a "minimum of 13 passengers" to go . Or e