Of Weights And Flights

Here comes my heavyweight amiga with an unfinished issue about weights and airplanes. Still can’t take that it is easier to regularly visit the gym and ’eat right’ so she can fly sexily without much of the fuss! “ What’s with that weight thing anyway? Isn’t that damn plane rated to fly at its maximum capacity? Mine was not a full flight, you know. I think it wouldn’t have mattered if I was 65 or 85 kilograms ”. That’s what my palangga of a friend had to say when I started expounding (in the previous story ). My answer was “you are 88 kilograms not 85… shut up and listen” heee hehe! Yeah yeah, familiarity breeds contempt. The closer you are to people, the easier it is to lambast them even in public! We do that to our real brothers and sisters, right? Yep, that’s how cruel we mere mortals are hahaha! Anyway… Here are more details: I said in that previous story that the smaller the aircraft, the more there is a need to get the actual or nearest to actual weights, right? Here is the reaso...