Caramoan Characterized

Before we talk any further about the rest of my Caramoan visit, let’s have a few words to paint a general picture of Caramoan for those who have not been to the place yet. Just to manage expectations really… Caramoan, is pronounced ‘ka-ra-mo-an’. That’s four separate and distinct syllables. For the American English speakers the ‘Ca’ is pronounced as you would say it in “car” not in cat, cap nor carry; the “ra” is more like the Japanese sound in “rajio” or the Italian sound in “ravioli” and not the way you would say ram, ran or rack. Pronounce these two syllables like how South Americans or Spaniards say “Caracas” or “Caramba”. The next two syllables are real two syllables “mo” and “an”, not your word ‘moan’, okay?! The “mo” sounds like when you pronounce Montana or mobile, not in mother, movie, mow nor motion; the “an” sounds like the “un” in under or undo, not in pan, van nor the names Anna, Anne or Ann. Alright? So its ca-ra-mo-an! Hey, I said American English Speakers, since Pinoy...