
Showing posts from October, 2011

Caramoan Characterized

Before we talk any further about the rest of my Caramoan visit, let’s have a few words to paint a general picture of Caramoan for those who have not been to the place yet. Just to manage expectations really… Caramoan, is pronounced ‘ka-ra-mo-an’. That’s four separate and distinct syllables. For the American English speakers the ‘Ca’ is pronounced as you would say it in “car” not in cat, cap nor carry; the “ra” is more like the Japanese sound in “rajio” or the Italian sound in “ravioli” and not the way you would say ram, ran or rack. Pronounce these two syllables like how South Americans or Spaniards say “Caracas” or “Caramba”. The next two syllables are real two syllables “mo” and “an”, not your word ‘moan’, okay?! The “mo” sounds like when you pronounce Montana or mobile, not in mother, movie, mow nor motion; the “an” sounds like the “un” in under or undo, not in pan, van nor the names Anna, Anne or Ann. Alright? So its ca-ra-mo-an! Hey, I said American English Speakers, since Pinoy

Guijalo To Centro & Finding A Room

Finally arrived in Caramoan! When I checked, it was already 11:55AM. And remote a place this may seem, the port area named Guijalo is way more advanced than Sabang. As in there is a real port in the first place. A wide expanse of concrete pier where boats can properly dock and passengers embark or disembark just via those wooden planks without the need for riding on the shoulders of other human beings (who are generally even smaller than me) hehe! There were tricycle and habal-habal drivers waiting for passengers, but they were not mobbing at us. I was one of the first to disembark from our “chartered” boat. A boy approached me to ask where I was going (asking which hotel I reserved). I already knew he was from Rex Inn since I overheard him calling out for passengers destined for his hotel. I told him I did not make any reservations but actually intended on staying with them, and asked if I could also ride on their jeep. He gladly said okay since they were only expecting about 12 pas

The Boat Ride to Caramoan

Off we were from Sabang shores at 9:48AM! Though it should not justify the ‘gahaman’ attempts of the boatman, I think my fellow passengers did feel relieved that we were at least already moving, amidst fantastic views as we skirted land on a bright morning, with very good weather and very calm waters. Picturesque everywhere. Good that I did not stay put on the cramped plank called a boat seat cuz when I looked behind us, there was an even grander scene. Mt. Isarog in a haze seemingly watching over our wonderful boat ride! Hey the other side of that mountain was also my grand view as I traveled yesterday from Legazpi to Naga! Onwards more and the ATM guy pointed my attention to another silhouette, and that was of Mayon Volcano in the horizon. Though amidst clouds, we could make out its majestic shape. A boat hand told me there are times when those mountains are clearer. Must be wonderful, I suppose. Uh, I am lost with more words to describe the views. All I can say is that there is no

The Sabang ‘Port’ Hullabaloo

We arrived at 9:08AM to find that there was no boat! There is even no port nor pier nor wharf! What the…! But amidst the exasperated comments from many of my co-passengers, I kept an unusual calm, tried to assess the situation, decide what next to do and just enjoy whatever was there that wasn’t life threatening hehe. I am lately discovering odd things about myself hehe. When everyone else is happy and gay, I usually find a reason to bitch around, but when most are complaining, wailing or themselves bitchin’ around, then I stay composed and pragmatic about everything. Gosh! Yeah yeah, don’t say it anymore… I know there’s a word for it… WEIRD! Well, that’s just me hehe! What did I find out here? Ah, many things! There was no boat. Did it leave without us? Obviously! Would there be any more boats for the rest of the day? The answers, I found out, were complicated! Like? The first boat left at about 8AM. Way too early for us to have ever caught and way too late for a ‘first trip’ on

Naga To Sabang

6:30AM I was already checked-out, up and about, then started to walk my way to the van terminal for Sabang. With a groggy head! Ah, I must have gulped more than enough last night. No thanks to my Naga friends who kept me enjoying the night as if I was not leaving early. But I did not tell them I was going to Caramoan, right?! That’s why! But I was not complaining hehe. That pair of biogesic and alaxan does the trick. Whoever told me about that years ago, it actually works! The hangover goes away in a flash hehe! Hopping and skipping along the railroad tracks, I arrived at the van terminal to learn that the 3rd departure for Sabang has just left a few seconds ago. Argh! Drivers and dispatchers told me 3 vans departed earlier due to the number of passengers who came early. Anyway, the 4th van was waiting though front seat was already occupied. Double argh! Hey, if I considered most vans from Legazpi to Naga as filthy, this van in front of me should be in the ranks of junk that can stil

Naga Overnight

This was planned. Because the flight from Cebu to Legazpi is at noontime and the trip from Legazpi to Naga takes 2 hours or so. That would have meant impractical for me to proceed to Caramoan. And while I did not have any plans to roam Naga again, it does not really hurt me if you keep throwing me into this city hehe! It has an admirable nightlife. Oh, since the transport terminal is now just beside SM, I chose the nearest cheap but livable accommodations in the area. It was a choice between Sampaguita Tourist Inn and Sunny View Hotel both by the bridge. I think I heard in my conversations with the crews of both places that they belong to just one owner, so I opted for the cheaper one. Anyway, after dropping my bag at Sampaguita, I proceeded back to SM. Just to roam and see the place really, and for the little things that I may have ‘miraculously’ missed in preparation for Caramoan. Like? Yosi hehe! The mosquito repellent lotion too was already too negligible that I thought it better

Legazpi To Naga

The Legazpi airport is still the same as it has been that I remember from long ago. If there’s anything new, conveyor belt (yes there is hehe) is now laced with a lot of pictures inviting people that its an available ad space. And arrival was pretty straightforward with just a few men outside arrival area and virtually none of those that would mob you for a colorum “taxi” or such things. Not even people meeting their passengers! Hmm, maybe because this was a hot midday. But the parking area teemed with a lot of vehicles! So I merrily just walked outside of the gate and hailed a trike going to the “FX/Van Terminal for Naga City”. Wow! Just about a year since I last happened to be in this place and some significant improvement is already in place – at least as far as land transport staions are concerned. Hey, “GT Express, I already know” but “FILCAB” is new to my ears! And what a big and clean terminal! There are separate buildings for buses, jeeps and the vans. Now I think “FILCAB” is

Going Caramoan: Cebu To Legazpi Flight

Who takes that flight anyway? Well, if Cebu Pacific operates that daily flight, then there is a market between Cebu and Legazpi. Am sure they could easily stop that if the route is not earning well. And good for me who is a trying hard Cebuano (am resident for almost a year now), I was able to grab a one-way zero-fare from Cebu to Legazpi, so I did not have to go home to Manila again just to come back down via another flight to Naga or Legazpi. Yey! VisMin folks, take note of that, there is a direct flight from Cebu to Legazpi. And it’s a wonderful flight! Why? It also uses the ATR (propeller aircraft that does not fly way high above the clouds), so we could see the places below as the plane cruises along! Just like flights from Cebu to Tacloban, Surigao, Siargao, Ozmais, and many other islands. What is there to see during such a flight? Ah, at the start, its like flying to Tacloban where you see the Cebu environs, the Camotes Islands, then the northern Leyte area with Biliran a haze

The REAL Ukay-Ukay!

My chinky eyes grew widest seeing those intersecting streets full of ukay-ukay in the open! Whew! I was just in a jeep and did not even dare go down to explore the multitude of whatevers on sale. But yes I said ’YAN ang ukay-ukay’! And this was probably the ’men’s wear department’ that I chanced upon hehe. As you can see almost all customers are the male populace. And that made me a bit lily livered taking photographs lest they all pounce on me! But where there’s a will, there’s a way, right? I took this the quickest way I could and without even aiming hehehe! Hah, if in Manila or Baguio you skim through racks, shelves or hangers, not in Cotabato City! Can you see the wares on sale? You’ll really have to make halukay, probably even dive to or swim through them until you find your find! Jeep driver told me its nothing new and it has been so as far as he can remember even as a kid. Lovely!

Message to Kawatan

This message is by one of the framed pictures inside the Boljoon Church in Cebu, Here’s my attempt to translate it… "You are still too young, boy, and you’re already a thief. You will surely be dropped by the Lord to the fire that is Hell. Your angel has been noting down your deeds. [You stole] even the money at the Sto. Nino retablo[?] You are such a wretched kid, you are eating [with] and spending stolen money. Are you not afraid of the Holy Judgment of God? You will surely weep and your teeth will drop when you fall to hell"... Or something like that. First time I saw this kind of message inside a church and I think its very disturbing – at whatever angle or point of view I look at this. Quite a discussion topic actually. Oh well, a very bad sign of our times…

Bay Bees Coffee Shop

Am not a fan of coffee though I often drop by the nearest CBTL for my “Vanilla Ice Blended Regular Without Whipped Cream“ to while time away, take a breather or write something for this blog. So I wouldn’t have been attracted to this coffee shack by the beach which I thought was generally so-so. But the name and the four-legged bees and the “mug kape muna tayo” made me smile that I had to go near. As I stood outside smiling and looking at that board after taking this photo, a youngster came near and asked if I would like to have coffee, tea or any of their available snacks and drinks. Without answering her, I instead asked about all the writings, particularly how a coffee drinker has to do with their dreams. Smiling, she casually said it’s a business for poor students. Ah I dug deeper by asking more questions. I got hooked listening to her interesting story, that I had to order some sandwich and softdrinks so I could hear more of it. She obliged telling me the story even as she tended

Tita Tatta

Remember the tricycle maker mentioned in this past story ? Well, I found a likely relative hehe! The store’s name is as written, Tita Tatta – meaning Auntie Tatta. She’s probably the mom or sister of your Tito Toto! This is a ’house of Ormoc Delicacies’ with outlets around the city. And reading the box, I gather you can find them in London. London St., Dona Feliza Mejia Subdivision, that is! And they swear their products are “tattalicious”! I especially like that one in the picture – soft and very moist cassava cake you can easily grab at the supercat port. Yummmimimmiee! Oh well, the cute names of our times!

Deciphering The Kilometer Marker

I thought you said “km 0” is the Rizal monument in Manila (Luneta). Then why is that ass sitting at a “km 0” that does not look to be anywhere near Luneta? Now now, calm down my dear cayvan (that means friend in Ivatan). Especially in this country, there are always exceptions to every rule! The topic we had in the previous entry is if and when you can travel by land from Luneta (e.g., to Pili, Camarines Sur). That 'ass', is sitting at the kilometer marker in front of the Batanes Provincial Capitol which, as we know, is an island way up north, right? That is one such exception. When the province, city or town is on a separate island, what becomes “kilometer zero” is usually the highest seat of government on the island. And in this particular example, it’s the provincial capitol of Batanes located in Basco. That is why you also see “B” and another “0” below the “KM” and “0” because he is sitting at zero kilometers away from Basco, Batanes. He is in the very heart